the search

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[Violet back at her Kingdom. She searches for any clues but she couldn't find anything. Derek and Eli search together after searching they couldn't find anything so they picked up Violet. Since Eli's mom was at Derek's kingdom they headed over there and started asking Eli's Mom and Derek's Mom questions]

Derek: Mom
Eli: Mom
Both in unison: Can we talk?
Moms in unison: What's wrong? Eli: We want to know more about Alice.
Violet: I know my mom is not going to tell us more and we hope that you guys can tell us more
Derek's Mom: Fine but you have to promise not to do anything
Derek: Okay we won't
Eli's Mom: Okay so when Alice was born she was supposed to be the next sunrose princess but when our sister turned dark she vowed to never let her be nice.
Derek's Mom: Yea like she promised that she will have her revenge and she took off.
Violet: Where did she go??
Derek's Mom: I think she is up in the shadows it's actually not that far from here.
Eli's Mom: Yea I think they are really close to the mountains if not then in the mountains somewhere. She must have a little lair in a cave or something.
Violet: Okay but why is my mom closed off to talking about this?
Derek's Mom: Before Alice came they had a huge argument about who was going to rule the forest and when they finally got it settled she took off and we never heard from her again.
Derek: Really thats horrible. A child has to suffer because of two adults.
Eli's Mom: Well I guess the cats out of the bag now. But you guys promise not to tell Violet's mom. She will be really mad we told you guys
All three in unison: Okay we won't.

[They leave Derek's kingdom and head back to the forest]

Violet: Okay now we definitely need to help her
Derek: But what do we do we don't even know where shes hiding
Eli: I think I do. Ive been around those mountains back and forth all the way though and around I know the mountains like the back of my hand. And I always see a cave In one of the mountains but I never checked. Maybe she's in there
Derek: Yea I think so too but we never know until we check are you guys in
Violet: Yea I'm in
Eli: Yea I guess. So when should we go
Violet: Tomorrow night
Derek: Okay we'll meet up at Eli's kingdom and you will guide the way
Eli: Okay
Violet: Okay

[Once they decided on what the plan was. They waited impatiently all day for night fall, they meet up at Eli's kingdom]

Violet: Are you guys ready
Derek: Yaass I'm excited
Eli: I'm kinda scared. Like what if she is pure evil and wants nothing to do with us.
Violet: We won't know until we get there
Eli: Okay let's go I guess

[Not knowing what to expect they head off in search of a cave in a mountain that might have there cousin Alice in it. What they don't know is that they are in for a big surprise]

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