the reveal

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Eli: Mom
Eli's Mom: Omg Eli you are alright
Eli: Yes I am thanks to Alice she healed Violet Derek and helped me
Eli's Mom: Alice?? Is that you
Alice: Yes?? How do you know me?
Eli's Mom: Guys... Guys look its Alice
Derek's and Violet's Mom: Omg Alice
Derek's Mom: I thought we will never see you again
Violet's Mom: I... I havent seen you since you were a baby. You have gotten soo big and beautiful. The yellow really shines through
Alice: First thank you second how do you guys know me i barley know Derek Violet Eli and Eva
Alice's Mom: You know we dont need to talk about this why dont you take your trouble making kids and leave forever thanks and bye
Alice: Mom... No i want to know how they know me
Alice's Mom: did you just tell me no and you dont need to know you are grounded for talking to them and now its more because you left and told me no now leave
Alice: No mom i want to know! Can you guys tell me how you know me please
Alice's Mom: if you tell her i swear there will be hell to pay
Eli's Mom: well I guess satan is going back to hell right now huh. well Alice how we know you is that you are family you are Derek's Eli's and Violet's cousin
Drerk's Mom: ...and there is something else too...
Alice's Mom: I swear to god you better not a say a word
Eli's Mom: Alice... She isnt your real mom...
Violet's Mom: ... I am

[Gasps from around the room Alice starts crying]

Alice's "Mom": look at what you've done... I warned you now you are going to regret it

[She starts to smile wickedly as she forms a black orb around her]

Everyone: RUN!!!

[The doors slam shut. Alice is still on the floor crying, the room starts to shake]

Eva: Guys here put these on... Hurry before she does something

[She hands them the suits Alice wont move]

Eva: I know what you are going through but you have to put this on now please

[Shes still crying but she puts it on they are all in their suits. The room stops shaking]

Eva: Oh My God

[Alice's "mom" transported them to a battle field, all open space. She doubled in size alice stopped crying but looked like a lost puppy the rest didn't know what to do. They have never fought and now they have to fight their tia]

Alice's "mom": You guys dare temped me and now look your kids have to pay for it and you just sit there and watch it all go down how sad. Well might as well get this over with.

[The wicked smile came back on her face and she makes the first move by throwing fire balls at them. Derek blocks all of them with water. Violet tried to control her mind but she was too powerful for her adolescent stage. Eli started to fly around her and shoot ice crystals at her, this got her pissed. she started to shoot lasers out of her eyes. Violet makes the sun point in her face and she stops Violet makes the grass grow to super length and thicken the grass up to make it a rope. Derek grabs the grass and super speeds his way around her legs super tight. Eli flies around her head and makes her trip. Derek grabs more grass and ties her hands. Eli flies over to Alice that is still looking like a lost puppy.]

Eli: Alice come on we need your help. we almost have her we need you to finish this.
Alice: I can't
Eli: Why
Alice: Because...

[She broke loose]

Alice's "mom": Awe too bad precious little Alice couldn't save you guys she must feel horrible she was lied to her whole pathetic life.
Alice: Shut the hell up
Alice's "Mom": I could have gave you a happy life with me but no you through that out a window didn't you.
Alice: I said shut the hell up
Alice's "Mom": Too bad I didnt really love you. You were basically my little monkey that did whatever I wanted just so you can get some fake love, how cute
Alice: I SAID SHUT UPPP!!!!!!!

[Alice blew up in anger yellow rays shot from her and now she was glowing yellow. Alice grew to the same size as her "mom" and walked to her]

Alice: Why in the hell would you do that especially to a kid, brainwashing them to do your dirty work not even showing them love or the affection they crave. You meerly laughed and brushed it off like it was nothing but look where it got you now standing face to face with your worst nightmare. The one you kept secret about, the one that you taught everything you know to, the one that lived with you for 17 years and knows all your weaknesses. I guess you shouldn't have done that you pathetic bi***.

[Alice grabs her by the neck and with super strength she slams her down onto the floor. She done that multiple times before Alice picked her back up by the neck and hammer through her across the field. After that we were back into the room Alice was back to normal size and so was her "mom" (who was lying on the floor passed out). ]

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