Cuatro : First Battle

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The Forest of Concord stood silent, its ancient trees bearing witness to a meeting that had never before occurred in the history of Heaven and Hell.

As the angels and demons dispersed to prepare for their impending battles, the tension remained palpable.

The first step was for each group to get acquainted, but this was easier said than done.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol knew that forming smaller, mixed teams would force their people to cooperate.

Joshua and Soonyoung, tasked with leading the first reconnaissance mission, stood at the edge of the forest, surveying the area.

"So, what's the plan?" Soonyoung asked, his tone dripping with skepticism.

Joshua glanced at him, his expression neutral. "We need to map out the enemy's movements and locate any weak points in their defenses. Simple enough."

Soonyoung snorted. "Simple? Sure, if we weren't working with angels."

Joshua frowned but decided not to rise to the bait. "We don't have time for this. Let's move."

Nearby, Wonwoo and Mingyu were preparing for their role in the front-line defense.

Wonwoo's speed made him a natural scout, while Mingyu's strength was unparalleled. Yet, they couldn't seem to see eye to eye.

"Try to keep up," Wonwoo said, his voice carrying a hint of challenge.

Mingyu crossed his arms, unimpressed. "Speed isn't everything. Strength counts too."

"We'll see," Wonwoo replied, darting off into the forest. Mingyu followed, his powerful strides keeping him close behind.

Meanwhile, Seokmin and Jihoon were setting up a makeshift infirmary. Seokmin's healing abilities would be crucial, and Jihoon's potions could provide various enhancements and remedies.

They worked in silence, the air thick with unspoken tension.

"Have you ever worked with potions?" Jihoon finally asked, breaking the silence.

"No," Seokmin admitted. "But I'm good at following instructions."

Jihoon raised an eyebrow. "Good. Don't mess up."

Seokmin bit back a retort, reminding himself that they needed to work together. "Just tell me what to do."

Across the clearing, Jun and Minghao were discussing their roles in supporting the team with their photokinesis and electrokinesis. Despite their shared element, there was an undeniable friction between them.

"Light and electricity should work well together," Jun said diplomatically.

Minghao shrugged. "We'll see. Just don't blind me with your light show."

Jun smiled faintly. "Only if you don't fry me with your sparks."

Nearby, Samuel and Dino were testing their combined abilities.

Samuel's telekinesis and Dino's teleportation offered unique strategic advantages, but their coordination was lacking.

"We need to be in sync," Samuel insisted, his frustration evident.

Dino rolled his eyes. "I'm trying. It's not easy to teleport on command."

"We have to figure it out," Samuel said firmly. "Our lives depend on it."


The newly formed alliance found themselves standing on the edge of a desolate battlefield, a wasteland scarred by the emerging presence of the greater evil.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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