Chapter IV "Ashes of the Fire"

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(Y/n) POV:

Katara, Aang, and me were all packing up as the sun rose on a new day on our journey to visit the southern air temple "Wait till you see it, Katara, the air temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world," Aang said while tightening the reigns on Appa's horns 'Oh the poor boy...' I thought to myself while rolling my sleeping bag up. "Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home," Katara explained "That's why I'm so excited," Aang quickly replied "It's just that a lot can change in all that time," Katara warned as I chipped in "She's right Aang, nothing stay's the same forever," "I know, but I need to see it for myself," Aang retorted and hopped off Appa.

Sokka was still asleep in his sleeping bag while we were all ready to head off "Wake up Sokka, Air Temple, Here we come!" Aang attempted to wake him up "Sleep now, Temple later..." Sokka groaned while turning on his side "Nice try kid, but trying to wake him up this early is like trying to wrangle a group of hog monkeys," I chuckled as I watched the failed attempt in waking Sokka up. I assumed Aang would give up, but the next thing I knew he grew a devious smirk before grabbing a stick off the ground and quickly moving it up and down Sokka's sleeping bag "Sokka! Wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" Aang yelled and immediately Sokka was wide awake and screaming.

"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" He yelled before falling which made me and Katara laugh "Great! You're Awake! Let's go!" Aang cheered and hopped on Appa with Sokka following as well "I think I'll keep that trick in mind next time I need you awake," I teased and laughed a bit more while Sokka looked at me unamused.

Zuko POV:

"Uncle, I want the repairs made as quickly as possible," I ordered while walking off my destroyed ship with my uncle following behind me "I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trail," I said while hearing him respond from behind me "You mean the Avatar?" "Don't mention his name on these docks, or even (Y/n)'s, once word gets out that he's alive and travailing with my brother, every fire bender will be out looking for him and having the intent to kill (Y/n)," I quickly explained.  "And what happened to (Y/n) being a traitor in your eyes? If what you said was true, he shouldn't matter... unless you truly still care for him," Uncle said with a small smile, making me scoff "I just don't want anyone getting in the way-," "Getting in the way of what?" I heard a familiar voice cut me off "Prince Zuko..." Uncle and I both turned to see Captain Zhao approaching.

"...Captain Zhao," I greeted and crossed my arms "It's Commander now," he corrected before facing my Uncle "And General Iroh, Great hero of our Nation," He said and bowing towards him "Retired General," Uncle corrected while bowing back "The fire lord's brother and son are welcome guests anytime, what brings you to my harbor," he then asked. "Our ship is being repaired," Uncle explained while pointing towards our broken down ship "...That's quite a bit of damage..." Zhao said simply with a bit of a surprised expression "Yes, you wouldn't believe what happened..." I said and paused for a brief second "...Uncle, tell Commander Zhao what happened."

Although caught off guard, Uncle wasted no time in responding "Yes, I will do that... It was incredible..." he started before whispering towards me "What, did we crash or something?" "Yes! Right into... an Earth Kingdom Ship," I quickly built off what he said "Really? You must regale me with all the thrilling details," Zhao said while smiling "Join me for a drink?" he asked while leaning close to me face.  I gave him a small glare before responding "Sorry, but we have to go," I tried to walk away, but then Uncle grabbed my shoulder "Prince Zuko, Show Commander Zhao your respect," he said while letting go and facing Zhao for me "We would be honored to join you," he said to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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