Maybe, just maybe

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The lecture ended and Karkat hurried off, not wanting to get caught up in the rush of people. He texted his brother about 10 minutes earlier so he should be here soon. He walked out the door and saw Dave again. He was sitting on the curb, seemingly waiting for someone. He didn't want to be rude or act weird so he went and sat a little ways away from him but still next to him.
"You waiting for your ride too?" Karkat asked.
"Yeah, my friends are coming to get me, god only knows when they'll be here though" he laughed and changed the song on his phone. No one was coming to get him. He knew that already.
Karkat smiled and pulled a cigarette out of his bag and lit it. He only recently started smoking, it helped just like coffee, it calmed him down. Dave looked over and raised a brow.
"Damn, didn't take this guy for a smoker" Dave thought to himself.
"Hey, mind giving me a one?" Dave asked casually.
Karkat nodded and grabbed another from his bag and tossed it to him.
"Need a light?" he asked taking another drag.
This time Dave nodded, the cigarette between his lips. He caught the lighter as it was tossed to him and he lit it, taking a long drag. They sat in silence and finished their cigarettes and flicked them away. Karkat's brother showed up about 5 minutes later and honked his horn. Karkat waved and looked at Dave,
"Hey if you want a ride I can give you one. Your friends have been taking a bit of time now." he slung his bag over his shoulder and fixed his hat.
Dave shook his head,
"I'll be fine. Thanks though, Kar." he smiled a little and then looked back down.
Karkat shrugged and got in the car and they drove off. Dave watched him disappear and got up, and started walking home. Again.

A few more weeks passed and Karkat continued to attend the meetings, but the past three weeks Dave hadn't shown up. He didn't think anything of it, thinking that this was his normal behavior. Karkat learned a lot from this group and even though he still didn't talk all that much, he was well liked by everyone. It was time for another meeting and this time Karkat decided to walk, he didn't live all that far and he had gotten a feel for the area, so he knew was safe. Today he was dressed in a dark red muscle shirt with a graphic design on it, black jeans and two thick bands on both his wrists. It had gotten hotter for some reason so he had to dress accordingly.
He walked into the building, greeted by a few people and in the front he saw Dave. But he didn't look like Dave. His hair was seemingly unkept, he slouched, his clothes seemed to hang on him like he hadn't been eating and lost a lot of weight. This hurt Karkat's heart but he stayed quie, not wanting to pry.
He walked to the table in the back and realized Dave's stuff was there too. He debated moving but he actually wouldn't mind the company. Dave walked over and was shocked to see the other but was kind of happy about it.
"Hi, Karkat. Its been a while, huh?" he smiled and sat on the table next to the other.
Karkat smiled back and nodded,
"Hiya, didn't expect to see you here again. I thought you were like finished or something" he scooted to the other could sit next to him.
Dave moved more onto the table and they continued to talk. Karkat asked where Dave had been and he just made up something about being busy. Karkat just nodded and didn't press on.
"Hey what's with the bands? They seem a little uncomfortable." Dave asked, sipping a drink he had.
Karkat looked down and chewed his lip.
"I-uh..I-uh...I-I just like them I s'pose" he stuttered out.
Dave's eyes widened and he slapped his forehead.
"Fuck, dude I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't think-"
Karkat just shook his head and laughed a little.
"No no no Dave its nothing like that. I haven't done anything like that in months. The scars are just a little...extreme I guess" he shrugged.
Dave exhaled in relief. One because he was glad he didn't offend the other and two because he was glad the other didn't do anything to harm himself. He didn't like the thought of that. He smiled and then the lecture began the meeting.

It finally ended about an hour later and Dave walked out with Karkat. They made small talk and laughed a little. They seemed to get a long well.
"Wait wait wait!" the adult leading the group yelled out, "I have an assignment for you all! You'll need to get into groups of two. It's a partner project."
Everyone got together and Karkat and Dave just stayed next to each other, not really asking one another but not wanting to partner up with anyone else.
"Now I want you and the person you have chosen, to get to know each other better. Most of you are all new, or don't know anyone really well, over the weeks we've been here I've noticed this. So I want you to become better acquainted with your partner and there will be a test to see if you've really did it in a few weeks. Good luck!"
Everyone dispersed, while Dave and Karkat continued to wait outside.
"Hey Kar, you wanna come and hang out with me today? Its my first real day to just chill and I wouldn't mind the company" he shrugged.
Karkat smiled and nodded.
"Yeah sure, let me text my brother and we can go"
He pulled out his phone and send a quick text to Kankri before putting his bag over his shoulder and walking with Dave. He stopped as the other continued to stride a long. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea, Dave was super nice but he still felt like he got into way to much trouble. Dave called to him and Karkat started to trip over his words trying to apologize.
Dave rolled his eyes, smiled and yelled "Shut the hell up and come on!"
Karkat smiled and ran to catch up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

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