xxxvii. The New Blades

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Kalna was silently sitting on top of the cliff and she was watching as the waves crashed over the rocks far down below her. It was almost too peaceful, of course just considering the anticipation that was hanging over them.

"Are you alive up here?" Qimir asked and Kalna turned around to look at him. "You look unnerved." He remarked and she shrugged at the words, before he sat down next to her and she sighed.

"It's only been a month, Q. I'm still getting used to having you back as my big brother, my memories were locked away for years." Kalna pointed out and Qimir nodded, before he was holding out the lightsaber molds. "You are trying to melt and reshape the beskar." She realized and he nodded.

"Dregan showed me how. But, I need a lightsaber to do it." Qimir said and she was igniting the two blades, white and yellow as she was holding it up to the beskar lightsaber hilts that Qimir had already disassembled with the Force.

Kalna watched with narrowed eyes as the metal began to bubble, before it was eventually melting entirely into the molds that Qimir must have created himself at some point. It took ages but eventually, it was all melted and Kalna deactivated the lightsabers and put them away.

Now it was up to Qimir, who was closing his eyes as he focused. Kalna watched as the metal cooled by the use of the Force, coming together to form the familiar lightsaber hilt that had just taken the lives of so many Jedi prior to this and now, they were being reformed out of a nearly indestructible metal. The crystals were locked inside and Qimir ignited them both, before they blazed red.

"Good, now you can stop using mine." Kalna declared bluntly and Qimir glanced at her, before the red blade slashed at her and the white one  came up to block it.

The two sparred back and forth quickly, with Kalna effectively blocking almost everything that came at her and Qimir was even tossing rocks and most of the environment around them at her, but Kalna was simply igniting the second lightsaber to defend herself.

Osha and Laena watched from nearby as the two of them sparred quickly, while Laena had a half-smile on her face. Although she couldn't hear it anymore, she could see with her much more limited vision that the two were acting like siblings again. It wasn't just Kalna trying to kill him and then, it wasn't her trying to prove that she could beat him again and again either. It was a pair of siblings, sparring and training together as the last members of their family.

"They know every move that the other is going to make, how is it possible?"

"They have a deeper bond than either of us can reasonably ever understand, Osha. Not only are they bound by blood as family, they are bound by the Force."

"Kind of like myself and Mae?"

"No. You are two halves of the same consciousness. They were born separately, years apart. But one represents the light, the other represents the dark. I am the central ground and therefore, I walk the line between the two."

"The warrior of neither the light side, nor the dark."

"Exactly. Come on, let's crash this party."

Their lightsabers ignited as the two of them jumped into the fight and now, all of them were sparring. Kalna drove Osha backwards as the other girl was still getting used to wielding the red lightsaber again, after not doing it for years and Kalna disarmed her quickly, before Qimir cut into the middle and faced Laena and Kalna at the same time.

Laena flipped the switch and her lightwhip lashed out and sent his shoto blade tumbling down and it spun along the ground before she summoned it back to her. Laena tossed it over to Kalna and they worked together to defeat Osha and Qimir quickly, which didn't take too long since Kalna could predict Qimir's movements and all Laena had to do, was know his fighting style and she had known that for a few years now.

"You win." Qimir agreed as he held up his hands and the two of them each lowered their blades with faint smiles of amusement, before Laena hit the button in her hand.

"That was easy." Came the automated voice and Qimir groaned, shaking his head.

"I knew that was a terrible..." "That was easy. That was easy." Qimir glared at Laena, who smirked with amusement in her eyes at his obvious annoyance. "Stop." He said and she was tilting her head to the side. "Don't play dumb, I know that you can see what I'm saying."

"That was easy."

"I'm going to break that thing." Qimir warned her and then just before he could take it from her with the Force, Laena blinked and he stopped. "Not cool." He said as his lightsaber fell from his hand and Laena had cut him off from the Force.

Laena glanced over at Kalna, who lifted her eyebrows and Laena sighed, before she blinked again. Qimir took a deep breath as he was feeling the Force again. "That's not funny." He warned and Laena lifted up the button, before she tossed it as far as she could, tossing it into the sea and she turned to look at him.

"Happy now?" She seemed to say, her arms gestured out to the sides and Qimir nodded.

"That was easy." Qimir turned around to look at Kalna, who held up the button that she had rescued before it hit the water and Qimir was shaking his head. "That was easy." She hit it again and he snatched at the button, but she was laughing as she dodged away and continued clicking the button.

"You're gonna have to be quicker than that." Kalna said and Qimir looked at her, before she narrowed her eyes and the two siblings circled each other. Before Qimir tackled her and Kalna threw the button back to Laena, who caught it with both hands as Kalna kicked Qimir off of her and he went tumbling through the grass.


Laena's voice thundered through their minds and they all clamped their hands tightly over their ears, but it did nothing to lessen the volume as they were looking at her and she was shaking her head.

"We are meant to be adults." Kalna translated this time as Laena began to sign the words. "We should not be acting like children, this is not a proper way to behave. We were all of us Jedi at one point or another, we should be acting appropriately. This is unacceptable, no matter what planet you come from." She finished and Laena turned around in a circle to glare at them all, her eye flashing.

"And once again, she's right." Qimir muttered loud enough to be heard as he stood up and then Laena nodded, before she pointed at him with a clearly pointed look in her eye and she made a simple sign. "Overreaction? Yeah, I know." He said and she nodded, before she shook her head and walked away.

"Well, who wants food?" Kalna asked and Qimir scoffed.

"Kal, you can't even cook something out of a container properly after being given all of the instructions to do it." He said and Kalna grumbled at the words, before she was shaking her head and she knew that he was correct. Even if she refused to admit to the fact, that she couldn't cook for bantha fodder. "But yeah, I'm getting hungry as well. Let's see if Laena is cooking or if it's my turn." He said as he walked away, following the woman whose temper seemed to turn on and off in an instant, like a power switch.

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