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At Kapoor Mansion,

In The Living Room,

Vansh: but what...,

Pragya holds his hand and smiles...,

Pragya: but you came into my life, we got married, your love changed my perception that even I can think of a new life, A New love, someone for whom I'm most important, someone for whom only me is his priority, I had almost forgotten my revenge Vansh, your love changed my hatred and made me love you (Pragya cups Vansh's face) I love you so much Vansh, yes I, I did wrong somewhere and maybe that guilt will be with me for whole life and after knowing everything, After knowing that I'm a Murderer, if you want to leave me, then I can understand.....,

Before she can complete, Vansh holds her hand tightly, his eyes are red....,

Vansh (sternly): don't you dare to say it Pragya,  what the hell do you think of yourself, do you understand what you're saying, Pragya, I'm not saying that Mitali, Raj and their mom did right with you, but Pragya, Kill for the kill, Murder for the murder, can't be justified yaar...,

Pragya (cries): I'm not justifying Vansh, I'm not justifying, if you want I'll surrender to the police and confess my crimes...,

Vansh: then what, Haan tell me, then what, you will be jailed,  what shall I say to krish, Baccha your mom will never come back, she left you Haan, or Prachi who just got fine about that issue she was not able to conceive and She's planning her own baby, you think this won't affect her health, she will loose her mom again and sahana, she's kid, she will be traumatised and me, you think I'll be able to live without you....,

He hugs her tightly and starts crying, she also cries....,

Pragya: even I can't live without you Vansh, I'm not able to take this anymore, you know mom was still asking me to hide but I had to tell you this, Vansh I know I took the wrong way for my justice but those people were also not right, what shall I do now and about this new development that Abhishek prem Mehra is innocent....,

Vansh looks at her surprised...,

Vansh: you want to take him out of jail...,

Pragya: I don't know, I don't even wanna see his face, even if he's innocent, but I can't forgive him, I still hate him, because of him I always had to suffer, from starting since I married him, He always kept Tanu in between our relationship and Alia easily emotionally manipulated him, Vansh I, I....,

She holds her head and sits crying, Vansh gives her a glass of water and makes her drink...,

Vansh: stop crying Pragya, it's not good for your health, You did wrong and it will always be wrong, no matter what the situation is but Pragya for that I can't let you go away from me, I'm a Human not a god, I'm selfish and I take decisions in which my happiness lies and that's you...,

Pragya looks at him emotionally, he wipes her tears...,

Pragya: you forgive me...,

Vansh: you didn't do anything wrong with me, so I'm none to forgive you but this guilt of killing someone will always Haunt you Pragya, be ready for it, you know I was in the same situation when I had krish, me and Maya weren't married and I can't let any found out that Krish was born out of wedlock neither I was able to push my son away, so I lied to everyone that Krish is adopted but eventually you know what happened, the truth came out...,

Pragya: I should tell this to everyone....,

Vansh: but it won't make any change Pragya, we are life Partners, you told me and this topic ends here, I don't want our kids to have any mis conception about their mother, just try to forget it, that's all what I can say, even my mind is not processing properly, just forget it....,

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