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chapter forty-twotheta omega, or whatever

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chapter forty-two
theta omega, or whatever

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ALYSSA HAD HER arm linked through Sam's as they wandered around the college fair. During lunch that day, a bunch of representatives from four-year colleges had come to West Valley so the seniors could see their options.

It was honestly crazy to Alyssa that the time was already here. For practically entire life, she had been wondering what a world outside of Reseda would be. After all, she didn't choose this town, and she dreamed of getting out, despite there being one specific person who could make her stay. Yet now, that it was rapidly approaching, Alyssa wished it would all just stop, or at least just slow down (in the wise words of Gabriella Montez.) After all, her high school years had been tainted by an influx of karate.

Sam had dragged her around to all the different college booths. Alyssa, a smile on her face, as she looked with her. However, unlike Sam who had many brochures, Alyssa had just one. UCLA. It had taken some time to figure out, but Alyssa decided she wanted to be a nurse, just like her mom — and UCLA had a very good nursing program. All she really wanted to do was help people. UCLA, and a nurse, could help with that.

"You sure you don't want another brochure?" Sam asked. "I have extras."

Alyssa laughed, glancing down at the pile of brochures Sam had in her hands. "Yeah, I can tell, babe."

Sam rolled her eyes playfully. "Say all you want, but it's good to have your options open. I mean, there's so many good schools."

She let out a breath. "I know. It just feels like . . . a lot, you know? To quote High School Musical 3, I guess my heart just doesn't know it's in high school."

Sam pulled her in closer to her with their interlocked arms. "Hey, it'll all work out. And we still have time."

"I sure hope so," Alyssa said. She then glanced along the way. "Oh, hey, there's Miguel." Alyssa dragged Sam over to Miguel, who was walking away from the Stanford University booth, smiling down at the brochure he was reading about it. "Hi, Miguel."

Sam bumped her other elbow against Miguel's. "Hey."

"Hey, you two," Miguel replied before he saw what Sam was holding. "Woah, you got a lot of brochures."

"Yeah, okay, but don't be worried, 'cause at least three of them are close to Stanford."

"Oh, come on. I haven't even gotten in. Please."

"You're going to get in, honey," Alyssa reassured him. "I can feel it."

"Hey!" Demetri exclaimed, and the three slowed to a stop to see him and Eli standing together.

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