Chapter 9

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Charles's hands trembled as he dialed Alex's number, his mind racing with thoughts of Vera.
When Alex answered, Charles withdrew, unsure of how to phrase his question.

"Hi, big bro.* Charles was not ready to exchange pleasantries.

"Alex, have you... Have you had anything to do with anyone, named Vera?" Charles asked, trying to sound nonchalant despite his growing anxiety.

There was a pause at the other end of the phone, and for a moment, Charles thought Alex had hung up on him. But then, Alex's voice came through, casual and collected.

"Seriously, is this coming from you?" Alex replied.

"Yes, Alex. I need to know, cause it's getting me mad already"

"Probably you're the father and that's the reason she's with you," Alex, tone dripping with sarcasm. " It's as simple as that, big bro.

Charles's eyes widened in shock at Alex's words. He felt like he had been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. He tried to speak, but his voice caught in his throat.

"Do you think I'm the father?" Charles stuttered, his mind reeling with questions. " You know me too well, Alex. Can you hear Yourself talk?"

"Look man, I don't know what to tell you," Alex said, his tone unapologetic. "But why would she come to you if I'm the father? Anyway, I Know nothing about that product. My spermatozoa is not yet ready to produce. So, either you're the father, or you're just blessed with a child, just ask her to tell you she knows better."

Charles's face burned with anger and embarrassment as he listened to Alex's words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could Alex be so cavalier about something like this?

"You know what, Alex?" Charles said, his voice low and even. "I think you're just trying to deflect attention from your actions. That's why you're always quick to point fingers and make jokes."

Alex laughed a cold and mirthless sound. "you're just mad because you know I'm right, big bro. You're always so self-righteous."

" Alex listen to me carefully," Charles said, his voice low and even. "Just pray you're not responsible for Ariel, cause you'll pay dearly. This is not a threat but a promise, I'll get to the bottom of this and if I find out you're the father, there will be consequences. "

Alex laughed, "Oh, big bro, you're so predictable. Always playing the hero. Should I be scared now, big bro? You'll beat me up?"

Charles's grip on the phone tightened. "I'm just trying to make you understand that you had an opportunity to come clean" his anger simmering below the surface as he heard Alex laugh sarcastically. "Alex please I'm begging you. Don't push me on this. Cause I'll do anything to protect Vera and Ariel. If it means cutting you off completely, then so be it."

Charles walked into the house and pushed Vera's room door open without knocking, as usual, his mind crumbling from the shocking revelation. He felt he had been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. "Vera, why did you keep this a secret?" he demanded, his voice loud and urgent, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and hurt.

Vera's eyes darted around the room in fear as she had never imagined Charles could be this mad at anyone, her face pale and frightened, like a concerned animal. "Charles. Please, calm down," she found herself replying.

Does she think I'm not calm, this is the calmest state I can engage in right now if I'm not 💯 calm I might have been in the cell right now.

"I...I was scared, Charles." She stammered, her voice barely audible.

"Vera, that's all you keep saying, scared of who, why? And what exactly are you scared of?" He shouted, looking confused.

" You were that virgin girl from that night?" Charles asked, his voice barely above a whisper, with tears of fear running down his eyes.

Vera's eyes dropped, her face dropping with shame. "Yes,  Charles. I was desperate, and I made a mistake."

" I was paid, and it was a deal," Vera added, her voice cracking.

Charles' face was in disbelief. "A deal? You sold your virginity to anyone for a chance at a new life? And now you think you're sticking to the deal, why are you here and why did you bring her? Was that part of the deal? Can you hear Yourself?"

Vera's eyes filled with tears, her voice trembling. " I know it was wrong, Charles. I never wanted this part of you, so I was scared and didn't know what else to do. And now.....I believe you'll see me as a gold digger and I bridge the deal for bringing us here, I just wanted a better life for Ariel."

Charles' face crumpled, his body sliding against the Wall. He slid down, his eyes filled with tears. " Vera, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my part in this, I was drunk that night, and I didn't even remember much till this very moment. I know I wasn't capable of giving consent. Now that we have Ariel."

Vera's eyes widened she searched for tears to suit her emotions, her voice trembling. "I know, Charles. I'm sorry too. I was desperate, and I made a mistake. But I want you to know that I've grown to care for you, and I always want a better life for Ariel."

Charles's face contorted in pain, his eyes with tears. "Vera, I want the best life for Ariel. But I'm scared, Vera. I'm scared that I'll never be able to make up. For what I did. That I'll never be able to be the father I should be to Ariel."

Vera's voice was barely above a whisper. Let's think about what's best to do, Charles. I'm sorry.

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