Idol lover. (yeongyu)

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(yeonjun pov:)


I was performing to my fans as usual. it was a small venue٫ enough space to fit 50 people. its nice. I feel like I have more time to really enjoy performing٫ instead of worrying about the people. I was singing my title track for my new album٫ called:
"One rose"
its a calming love song. It might be the best song I've ever written.
I look around at my audience. it was the usual groups of teenage girls٫ but someone stood out to me. like they were standing under the spotlight.
it was a boy around my age. He had long silky hair٫ beautiful eyes that twinkled like stars. And his smile. He had the most perfect smile. He looked like a dream. i remember thinking; "is he even real?"
Soon enough the concert ended. I quickly rushed out of the venue٫ in search of the boy. I needed to find him. I ran till I was out of breath. Sweat trickerling down my forehead. I looked in all the shops nearby. He was nowhere to be seen. I sat down on a bench at a park to take a breather. I heard someone's footsteps coming towards me. I slowly looked up.
It was him.
He was holding a water bottle out towards me.
"Here. You look like you need it." he smiled. His voice was so sweet. So angelic.
"T-thank you.." I replied٫ taking the water bottle from his hands. He sat beside me fidgeting with his fingers.
"What were you doing running for? Was it a crazy fan?" he asked giggling. God٫ he's so cute.
"No.. If im gonna be honest٫ I was looking for you." I said turning to face him.
"You were? Why?" he said shyly.
"Because٫ when I saw you in that crowd٫ I knew i needed to find you. Im not sure why." I said.
"Well... my names beomgyu. Nice to meet you."


Thats the story on how I first met my boyfriend٫ choi beomgyu.
Its hard to keep our relationship a secret٫ but id do anything to be with him. Absolutely anything. I love him so much.

I wake up٫ turning around to see beomgyu fast asleep. What a sleepy head. Now that I've become even bigger in the industry٫ my schedules are even tighter. I have to wake up at 5 every morning to then go to rehearsals٫ interviews٫ photoshoots٫ ect. its so tiring. But I love my job. I do. I slowly sit up on the bed٫ yawning one last time before I kiss him on the top of his head trying not to wake the sleeping beauty. I start to walking to the washroom when I hear rustling of sheets.
"Babe..." he says while yawning. Oh dear٫ i wont be able to say goodbye to him now. I turn around to see a half asleep beomgyu. He looked so cute with his messy hair.
"im sorry love٫ I have to go to practice." I say.
"Why٫ cant you just take a day of and cuddle with me?" he pouts.
"i promise ill spend extra time with you later." I smile softly.
"Now go back to sleep٫ darling."
He beckons me to come towards him. I do as he said. He lightly pecks me on the lips.
"Ok.. bye bye."

The rest of the day goes by as usual. I cant wait to get home and be with beomgyu. I was in the practice room when a girl comes up to me. I think she's a member of another group under the agency.
"Hey yeonjun." she says pushing the hair out of her face.
"Oh... hi?" I awkwardly reply. This whole interaction is.. something.
"Do you maybe wanna grab a coffee sometime? I really like you and I think your really cute." she says. is this an attempt of flirting?
"Im sorry٫ I cant."
"Why? do you not like me?" she said. Such a little bitch. I hope she gets out of my face soon.
"No uhm, I'm taken."
"Ugh whatever٫ you'll regret it." She sassily replied. Ew.

I get home soon after. Excited to see my boyfriend. as usual٫ He came to greet me at the door. But something was different this time. He looked visibly upset.
"Yeonjun٫ what is this?" he asks. he slowly took his phone out of his pocket٫ handing it to me. I look at what he's trying to show me. it was an article saying٫
"Member of group "eclipse" yeon seuin٫ and soloist choi yeonjun٫ just confirmed their relationship."
I look up to see beomgyu crying.
"P-please tell me its not true..." he says. I cant believe this is happening. He means so much to me٫ I cant let this rumor destroy our relationship.
"its not I swear baby٫ their lying." I say pulling him into my embrace. He doesn't hug me back٫ but its fine. I just want to comfort him. How am I going to sort this situation out? How am I going to make everyone believe me?
"Are you sure...?" he replys٫ looking up to face me.
"Yes love. dont worry٫ ill sort it out soon."

The only way to get rid of the rumors is by telling the world about me and beomgyus relationship. I have an interview today so its the perfect time.

"So yeonjun. There's a question that a lot of fans want the answer too." The interviewer takes a second before continuing the question.
"Are you really dating seuin?"
"No٫ im not."
"So are all the rumors fake?"
"Yes. Me and her never dated٫ she just made it up. I actually have a boyfriend who I love so much." I smile just thinking about him.
"And how long have you guys kept this a secret." he asks.
"5 years." I reply.
"Oh wow. Well im happy for you. lets hope the fans are aswell." he chuckled. They probably wont be٫ but I dont care anymore. I just wanna be open with my relationship with beomgyu. I love him too much to keep this a secret anymore.


1015 words!
(authors note:)
Sorry this is a pretty bad chapter. please tell me what you think and if i made any mistakes <3

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