Chapter 3- My Heart Stopped

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I sat up in the bed I guess it is now. There was a little bit of light shining through the curtains straight into my eyes. I got up quickly, frustrated, and closed them. I stood there with my hands still on the curtains, zoning out. I had been here for 2 weeks now and I haven't unpacked anything yet. I haven't made this room my own, because I don't really want to. My aunt and uncle have been perfect. They have been patient and understanding but I know that they're starting to worry now. I tried being happy, I didn't think they wanted someone living with them who was so depressed all the time.

"Katie?" I heard the soft voice of my aunt behind me.

"Yeah" I said as I turned around and looked at her. 

"I know you probably don't want to do this, but it would be a good thing to get out of the house, see the town and eveything"

"Do what? I gave her a questioning look.

"Oh, go with your uncle to his studio, have a drive through the town, meet the people. Maybe start thinking about what you want to do? I don't want to rush you or push you into anything, it's just a suggestion dear" I nodded at her and she put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. That smile of pity and sadness that I've been getting a lot, and I hated it.

"He leaves in 1 hour if you want to go with him" She said as she walked out of the room and closed the door. 

I didn't want to go with him, I didn't want to go anywhere, but I can't stay in here forever being sad and depressed. Being alone just makes me think about them more. 

I put my bag on the bed to get my clothes out. The cupboard was right there but I wouldn't....couldn't put my clothes in there. Not yet. Because that means that I'm really here and I have to face reality which I'm not ready to do.

I didn't make much effort in getting ready. Jeans, hoodie, converse shoes and I put my long, dark brown hair in a messy bun. Just a bit of mascara and I was ready. 

"So you decided to come?" My uncle said as he was about to walk out the door.

"Yeah" I said with a fake smile as I walked down the stairs. 

We got into his car and were on our way. Brighton is definitely different from Dublin but it was just a normal town to me. Houses and shops. There was silence in the car. I didn't know I was tired, but when my uncle put his hand on my shoulder to wake me up, I realized I must have been tired because I fell asleep. Then again I haven't been sleeping much so it's understandable. 

"Here we are Katie, Parlophone Records" He said as he got out the car. I got out a few minutes later. My uncle moved to Brighton because of this job. He was a producer at a recording studio in Dublin, and he was great, so they offered him a job here. 

We walked through the double doors together. It was quiet, I would have expected people to be running around, working and being busy, making noise. But there was only a receptionist at a large wooden desk, talking on the phone to someone. 

I blindly followed my uncle through the building, recording studios on the sides as we went down a hallway, with signs up saying "Recording. Be quiet". I wondered who was in there. 

At the end of the hallway was another studio, which we went into. A small room with a microphone and instruments inside was at the back of the room, seperated by the glass window. There were chairs in the room and then all the recording equipment I guess. I only listen to music, don't bother about how it's recorded. 

"Sit down there, I'll be right back. Don't touch anything. The people I'm working with today will be here soon" 

I sat down on the chair with a sigh. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be anywhere, but least off all here. Strange people and strange surroundings. I hated change. Just changing schools was enough for me, but this, it's too much. 

My uncle was gone for quite a bit. Maybe he didn't want me here either, maybe it was my aunt's idea for me to get out of the house and come with him here. 

The chair was one of those that turned, so I started turning on it out of boredom. I kept spinning round and round not noticing that there was someone in the room. I thought it was my uncle. But he looked younger. I stopped spinning and looked at him. My heart stopped. 

He just stood there, looking at me with a smile on his face. I looked down at my feet and felt my face go red. I wanted to run out of the room and never come back. I recognized him....

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked as he leaned back on the door frame. 

"I...I was bored, and when there's a spinning chair, how could you resist it?" I said as I put my head in my hands so that he wouldn't see my cheeks burning red. 

"Don't be embarassed! You're right. When sitting on a spinning chair you must not resist" He said and I knew he was holding back a laugh. I looked up at his face just to put my head in my hands again. 

"Hey, you were having fun, no harm in that" 

"Yeah, but I'm 18 not 5. I didn't think anybody was watching" I looked up at him and he was smiling at me. He had amazing blue eyes.

"I'm Conor"

"Katie. But everyone calls me Kate"

"Nice to meet you. I've haven't seen you around Kate" He said as he walked over to me and sat down on the desk next to me.

"Just moved here 2 weeks ago, I'm living with my aunt and uncle"

"Why the sudden move?" He asked but I looked down at my feet again. I know people are going to ask that question but that doesn't mean I want to answer it.

"Conor! You're here, good. Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long" My uncle said, a bit loudly, as he walked into the room. 

"Ben. No, not at all. I was just talking to Kate here" Conor said as he stood up to shake my uncle's hand. 

"Good, so you've met my niece and now we can get started" Ben said with a smile. I got off the chair and walked to the corner of the room. My uncle sat down in the chair, ready to do whatever and Conor went into the little room. Now I knew who he was, I'd seen him on youtube singing and now he's here, and he saw me acting like a child. I felt my cheeks go red again and he looked at me and smiled. 

"Ready when you are Conor"

Conor Maynard. 

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