Chapter 23- Turn Around

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"Happy Birthday!" I was woken up by my little cousins yelling happy birthday and jumping on me. I sat up a little bit and started rubbing my eyes when they both took my pillows and started hitting me with them. "Okay okay I'm awake." I said and they laughed. I acted as if I was going back to sleep and so they started hitting me again. I grabbed the pillows and started hitting them back, but softly and they started laughing before giving up and running out of the room. A little while later Liz and Ben came into my room with a chocolate cake that I'm sure Liz had baked and they started singing Happy Birthday. I smiled but also covered my ears, acting as if they were terrible singers but they actually weren't that bad.

I tried my best not to tear up, because they both reminded me so much of my parents and they used to do the exact same thing on my birthday .It was hard not to tear up as now I kept thinking back to all the birthdays that I had where my parents came in with a chocolate cake and started singing for me. Although the cake was always store bought but I didn't mind, it still tasted good. And my parents where terrible singers and they were always completely out of tune. Ben and Liz each gave me hug and then left me alone to my thoughts, and a large chocolate cake.

My parents had done it every year, even when I said that I was too old and that I didn't want them to sing for me anymore. They told me that they would always do it for me, no matter what I said, because that was what my grandparents had also done for my mom on her birthdays. They told me that I would miss if they stopped so I should enjoy it and appreciate it. They were right. I miss it so much, especially now and I didn't take the time to appreciate it as much as I should have. But I was l glad that Liz and Ben decided to do it today. My birthday will never be the same again as it was spending it with my parents, but I'm sure it will be just as great here with Ben, Liz and Conor as it was back in Dublin. This place is my home now, and I know that I'll hopefully be here for a long time and I'm really happy about that.

My phone started ringing and I smiled as I saw Conor's face pop up with a goofy smile on his face. "Good morning beautiful." He said as I answered the phone. "Good morning yourself." I said and smiled. "Happy Birthday. I would sing but Liz and Ben told me their plan, which I'm sure you have already heard." He said and I laughed. "Thank you. And they weren't that bad actually." I said and we both laughed. "This cake looks delicious and I'm sure it tastes amazing so you better get over here before I eat it all by myself." I said smiling. "I kind of have a problem Kate." He said and my smile faded. "What is it?" I asked. "I have this important meeting I have to be at soon, and it will only be done later. I don't even fully know what it is about but I have to be at it and it can't be rescheduled. Believe me I begged for them to reschedule but they can't. I will try make it before all the cake is gone." He said and I frowned. "It really had to be today?" I asked a little annoyed and he sighed. "I know Kate, I will try make it as quickly as possible." He said and I sighed. "Okay, but make the meeting as short as possible. I'll see you later." I said and Conor put down the phone. I got up to get ready as Liz and Ben told have something planned.

Conor's P.O.V

"Okay, but make the meeting as short as possible. I'll see you later." Kate said and I ended the call as the meeting was about to start. "I can't believe you made the meeting for today, I told you that today was important." I said to my manager, annoyed because I wanted to be with Kate. "I know Conor, I'm sorry mate but it is not really up to me. These people say a time and we have to be there. It won't be that long okay? Just a few things that we need to go over." He said and we walked into the meeting where serious looking people in suits were all sitting around a table. I sat down on the end and tried not to look so annoyed at them for calling this meeting. I sent a quick message to Ben before everything got started.

Ben's P.O.V

"Conor just sent me a message, he's in a meeting so he's going to be late to Kate's party." I said to Liz. "That's a shame. I'm sure Kate is a bit annoyed. But luckily we set everything up yesterday, even though I'm still not sure that a big party is such a good idea." Liz said and I rolled my eyes a little. "She needs to get out and enjoy herself Liz." I said. "She did, when she went to Dublin. She's still not fully herself, you saw her tearing up this morning." She said and I sat down on the couch in frustration. We have had this same discussion about five times already. "She misses her parents Liz, ofcourse she is going to tear up when we do the exact same thing that her parents used to do on her birthday, and it was your idea." I said and she went into the kitchen. "I thought it would be a good idea to give her a little taste of home and not break tradition. I know she appreciated it." Liz said as I followed her into the kitchen.

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