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the first time had been purely accidental.

luke had been studying his assigned literature tediously when the doorbell rang. being sat comfortably at his table and actually not studying at all- no, instead netflix had decided once again to make an appearance in his life- he glared at the door in hopes the visitor would leave.

the ringing did not cease.

with an exaggerated sigh, he paused the movie and ripped out his earbuds. luke pushed open the door to find a teenage boy about his age. he had black hair and green eyes and a sheepish smile.

"hey," the stranger said, grinning. "mind i use your balcony for a bit?"

that was how luke met michael. he even grudgingly supplied the poor idiot with a ladder, though it was really quite entertaining watching him attempt to reach a ledge a full half metre above his head.

"honestly," called out the blonde man from below as he leaned against the railing. "how did you manage to forget your keys? at least you left the screen-door open, that was both stupid and lucky."

michael huffed and verged dangerously towards the edge. "i was down at the carpark."

"of course, the dark and mysterious creature on his dangerous journey that begins at a sky-high level 2 apartment travels courageously towards the dark shadows of- wait for it- the carpark, where roaring deadly machinery rest at night, only to forget the only item that may lead him safely ho-"

"oh, shut up, wont you?"

it was maybe fifteen minutes later when he had finally succeeded in climbing onto his balcony. he toppled over the fence ("-ha!" "fuck off, blondie-") and stood triumphantly, as if he had walked out of war instead of a wrestling match with a stationary slab of brick.

they had about five seconds before the scene morphed into some romantic shakespearian romeo and juliet shit. both of these men seemed to notice that, so michael waved awkwardly and thanked him before turning and walking inside his flat.

and no- luke had not been staring at his ass- nope, not at all.

locked out // mukeWhere stories live. Discover now