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the second time it happened, luke had swung open the door to leave his apartment for a visit to a friend when a fist collided with his face.

he blinked in shock as the figure in front of him doubled over laughing. he soon identified this figure as the annoying punk kid who had visited about a week ago.

"what," he said, because there was nothing else he really could say.

"sorry," choked the dark haired boy out when he recovered from his fit of laughter, his cheeks stained a lovely shade. "i was knocking at your door when you opened it, i swear i wasnt trying to punch you or anything, im not like some weird creepy dude who comes around to people's houses and deliberately inj-"

luke sighed and fought down a smile. "yeah, whatever."

they stared at each other for a minute before michael peered behind him.

"so, balcony?"

luke stared at him in even more surprise than before. "you cant honestly have forgotten your keys twice in- what, a week?"

"anything is possible," deadpanned michael straight away. "i guess im just a special child." he further proved this statement by striking an obscene pose, much to lukes amusement and irritation.

"get in, fucker," sighed luke resolutely. "ladders located to your right."

he never did make it to his friend's place.

locked out // mukeWhere stories live. Discover now