{Third person's pov}
It's been another 5 days, Garv was still unconscious while the trial in the court was going on. The kapoors were thankful that they had enough money to get their work done faster.
Ishika walked inside the hospital room after coming from the court, she entered inside feeling the same disappointment. Every day she walked inside the hospital with the hope of seeing him awake, but he was always unconscious.
The repetitive cycle of hope and disappointment was taking a toll on her. She made her way to his bedside, the familiar sight of his motionless body on the hospital bed greeted her. But this time, something was different. As she looked closely, she noticed a faint twitch in his fingertips. Her heart skipped a beat, hope fluttered within her. She leaned in closer, watching intently. Was it her imagination, or did he move again?
She immediately held his hands as she spoke, "Garv, you can hear me right? Please wake up," she spoke wanting to witness some positive points.
As Ishika held Garv's hand, her voice pleading, she felt a slight twitch in his fingers. And then, to her surprise, his eyelids fluttered. It was a small movement, almost imperceptible, but Ishika noticed it. The hope in her heart grew.
"Garv, please wake up," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of desperation and hope. "I need you, we need you."
"Please for the sake of our child, wake up. I can't handle this anymore. If you don't wake up now I will die too. I can't tolerate all this anymore." Tears started brimming down her cheeks.
The plea in Ishika's voice seemed to reach Garv's unconscious mind, and another small movement was visible in his body. His fingers twitched again, stronger this time. And then, his eyelids flickered once more, as if trying to open. Ishika couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"Garv, can you hear me?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and disbelief. "Please wake up, please!"
"Fine you aren't going to wake up right? You want to see me struggling right?" Ishika's frustration and desperation poured out in her words, but deep down, she knew that her husband was fighting his own battle. She held his hand tighter, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"You stubborn man," she whispered, a mix of anger and affection in her voice. "You can't leave me alone like this. Wake up, please!"
He slowly opened his eyes, In that moment, time seemed to stand still as Garv's eyes slowly opened. A wave of relief washed over Ishika, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions. She watched as his eyes, previously darkened and lifeless, now flickered with a hint of recognition. She leaned in closer, her voice shaking with disbelief and joy.
"Garv? You're awake," she whispered, her voice filled with raw emotion.
As Garv's weary eyes focused on Ishika, his heart ached at the sight of her. She looked pale, weak, and exhausted. The dark circles under her eyes spoke of the lack of sleep and the toll this ordeal had taken on her both physically and emotionally.
With what little energy he could muster, he tried to move his hand, wanting to reach out to her, to comfort her, but his body felt heavy and unresponsive. The concern etched on his face was evident, despite his weakened state.

Fated To Be One (Unedited)
Romance"You are secretly wild Mrs. Kapoor but I can make you experience all that you are reading." Garv was stunned looking at the genre she was reading, whilst Ishika flinched by the sudden voice of her husband. The tale of a guy who Was afraid to fall in...