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{Third person's pov}

It was Vyan's first birthday party, the house was filled with guests and everyone was impatiently waiting for the birthday boy and his parents.

In the room Garv was making Vyan wear the diaper, while Ishika was combing his long hair.

Once Vyan was ready, Ishika stood up from the bed and Garv lifted Vyan up in his arms, holding him securely against his chest. The baby had a look of curiosity on his face, his eyes wide as he took in the sounds and sights of the guests outside the room. Garv chuckled softly, seeing the excited expression on Vyan's face

"Looks like someone's ready to party," he said. "Let's go, little man. Time to show everyone how big you've gotten."

Ishika smiled at their bond and the couple Along with their son descended downstairs.

As soon as they descended downstairs, the spotlight was immediately on Vyan. The guests couldn't help but coo and gasp at the sight of the adorable, almost-one-year-old birthday boy in his father's arms. They gathered around the couple, showering Vyan with compliments and well wishes.

"Look at our little prince," one of the guests said, her eyes sparkling with adoration. "He's so big already!"

The couple smiled at each other and walked towards the stage, Garv carried Vyan carefully to the stage, his hands holding him securely. The baby seemed to be enjoying all the attention, his eyes wide and curious as he looked around at the crowd of people gathered to see him.

Once they were on the stage, Ishika picked up a cake from the table and held it in front of Vyan. Garv stood beside her, his hand still on the baby's back.

"Alright, Vyan," Garv said, his voice gentle. "It's your moment now. Blow out those candles and make a wish."

"Vyan, Blow on it baby," Ishika spoke but Vyan was so lost in admiring the decoration on the cake, Vyan attempt to grab at the cake, his little hand reaching out to take a handful of the sweet treats. Ishika, quick on her feet, pulled it out of his reach just in time.

"No, no, buddy," she said with a chuckle. "You have to blow out the candles first. Here, like this."

She held the cake back in front of Vyan, gesturing for him to lean forward and blow on the candles. And with that all three of them blew the candles and the crowd clapped. The guests couldn't help but smile at the sight of the cute family moment, the sight of Vyan's little face and the proud expressions on Ishika and Garv's faces.

"That's a good boy," Garv said, his voice filled with pride. "You did it, Vyan. Happy birthday, buddy." Vyan giggled on his father's voice and clapped, copying everyone.

Garv chuckled as he watched Vyan's little hands clap together in imitation of the adults around him. The baby's giggles were infectious, and the guests couldn't help but aww and coo at his cute expression.

"Look at this little genius," Garv said to Ishika, a proud smile on his face. "Already copying us like a pro."

"Indeed, he grew up so fast. It feels like it was yesterday that I gave birth to him." Ishika said, admiring her son.

Garv nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on their baby boy. It was truly amazing how quickly Vyan had grown and changed in the past year. It seemed like just yesterday that he had been a tiny, fragile newborn, and now he was a happy, healthy baby, full of energy and curiosity.

"Time really does fly," Garv said, his voice filled with wonder. "He's already so big, and he has no idea just how much we love him." He added making Ishika nod.

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