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What you'd do for her-
You would get her something simple and put it in a gift bag. You may also hand make a card for her. If you can cook, you'd try to make her a cake. She loves the handmade cards the most.

What she'd do for you-
She'd make you a cake and buy you a few small gifts. She'd plan the whole thing a month in advance and would be fully prepared. She'd want it to be just right.

What you'd do for him-
You'd get him one really nice gift - you'd save your money and just get him something you know he really likes. He'd be taken aback and say that you've really outdone yourself.

What he'd do for you-
He'd come over with a cake he bought from a nearby store and just hang out with you. You might watch your favorite movie and/or play your favorite video games.

Black Star-
What you'd do for him-
You'd plan out an amazing surprise party for him - you'd even save your money to get him things that he really likes. He's actually happy to just have you there as his friend, though, but he does get excited at every party you throw for him.

What he'd do for you-
He'd have no clue how to plan events, so he'd desperately try to get Tsubaki's help, and basically everyone would know except you. He'd act super awkward, but eventually, everyone would throw you a party.
He'd bring you something that he bought from the store and nervously stare, hoping you would like it.

What you'd do for her-
You'd make something for her, whether it's a small gift or the cake. She'd be impressed by your handiwork and grateful that you'd put so much effort in to celebrate her birthday.

What she'd do for you-
She'd take you with her to a random place and give you a small gift, hoping you would like it. If you wanted a party, she'd help you plan one, but she didn't want to overdo it - she believes in quality over quantity. In other words, she wants her gifts to have more meaning, and she doesn't want that to be overshadowed by how many gifts she gives you.

What you'd do for him-
You'd get him something symmetrical - you know he panics when something isn't, and you don't want to ruin his day, so you get something that is perfectly symmetrical, surprising him and making him ecstatic due to how 'perfect' it is.

What he'd do for you-
He'd give you something symmetrical since it's perfect, and of course, you can now rest easy knowing that Kid gave you something perfectly symmetrical. You found it quite funny but kept a straight face and appreciated the sentiment. He may get anxious and try to throw you an extremely nice, extravagant party if nobody stops him. He has the money, but that's not the issue. He worries that he doesn't do enough for your birthday sometimes.

What you'd do for her-
You'd take her to a museum and get her a souvenir, then you'll invite her to your home, where you've already got a cake waiting for her. Her eyes might tear up a bit, but she'll try to convince you it's nothing. She'll sit and talk to you while the two of you eat cake.

What she'd do for you-
She'd convince Kid to throw a party for you and would give you a random gift she brought from the store. She could've gotten Kid to buy you something, but she wanted to get you something cool on her own.

What you'd do for her-
You'd take her to the zoo and buy her souvenirs, and then when the two of you are leaving, you'd give her something from your pocket - a store brand cupcake. It wouldn't be perfect, and it would probably be smashed a little, but Patty's eyes would light up like a child on Christmas, and she would give you a big hug, going on about how you're the best friend ever.

What she'd do for you-
She'd run around town with you and would make you pick out different things you like - Kid would be paying anyway, and he knows not to mess with Patty if she gets angry. She would do her best to keep you happy and entertained.

What you'd do for him-
You would invite him to your home, and you would have dinner with him. You'd bring him the cake you made, and he would start crying.
It would be awkward since he's super sentimental and weird, but he would be happy and would thank you over and over for inviting him and being his friend.

What he'd do for you-
He'd bring you to the Café and the employees would throw a small surprise party for you. He'd bring out a cake, and you'd be taken aback. You would just sit in the Café and hang out together, and maybe play a board game or something. Blair would likely join in randomly, but you'd still have a good day.

What you'd do for him-
You'd bring him some supplies, but also a rare animal, since you know he lives to dissect them. You'd give him a small snack, too, and try to see if he wanted anything else.
He'd be pretty content with anything and would appreciate the thought.

What he'd do for you-
He'd give you a small gift and wish you a happy birthday. He's pretty simple.

(Would he even have a birthday?0_O)

What you'd do for him-
You'd bring a few gifts and a cake, and you would sit and talk to him for hours, like you usually do. He'd be overjoyed and would be wanting you to stay for longer. If you weren't busy, you would, but if you were, you'd probably try to do what you can to escape responsibility.

What he'd do for you-
He'd surprise you with something you really wanted and get you your favorite cake. He'd ask about your plans and if you'd be there to hang out with him, and would try to see if there is anything he could do to make the day better.

What you'd do for them-
You'd approach them with a bag of homemade cookies and a card. You know they get anxious around a bunch of people - and they would not want to have a party, so you would try to keep it simple.
They would be in wonder at your craftsmanship and would anxiously ask if you're sure you're okay with them having these things. They'd try to hold back tears.
Ragnarok would love the cookies, and even though he acts like he may not care sometimes, he is amazed and happy that you remembered.

What they'd do for you-
They would bring you a drawing and hope that would be enough/okay. They don't know how most holidays work, and they're scared you might get angry at them if you don't get something super nice or a bunch of gifts.
You love the drawing, and you thank them for putting so much effort into it, and you hang it on your wall. They calm down and smile a little, happy that you enjoyed the gift.
Ragnarok would act like he knew you'd like it, but he'd actually be nervous as well.

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