You Have A Dark Sense Of Humor

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She'd be very worried about you, even when she realizes that it's your sense of humor, because she doesn't like that you make negative jokes about yourself.

He'd be slightly concerned, but cool with it once he realizes that you're just joking around. He doesn't want to overreact if you just have a weird sense of humor.

Black Star-
He'd be very put off by it and would be checking on you to make sure that you're doing alright because he doesn't believe that you're just joking when you make certain comments about yourself or other people.
He takes the jokes very literally.

She'd ask if you're doing alright and would be very understanding about your sense of humor - even going as far as to warn others ahead of time so that people aren't worried about you.

Much like Black Star, he wouldn't realize that you're joking, and even if he did, he'd be very taken aback. He doesn't like it.

She'd catch on to the fact that you're just joking very quickly, and she may even join in occasionally.
She sees no reason to be worried if you're just joking, but it does make her nervous sometimes - especially when your dark jokes suddenly get way darker.

She'd somehow know you were joking instantly and would be laughing her butt off and joining in.

He'd be very nervous for a very long time, even when he knows you just have a weird sense of humor. It's very off-putting to him when you see a trash can on the side of the road and tell him that it's you.

He'd be confused momentarily, but he would be understanding once he realizes that you just have a dark sense of humor. He may sit and do something and then just randomly turn to you to say something extremely dark and then resume what he was doing.

He'd be extremely concerned about you and would be checking on you a lot. Once he realizes that you're just joking, he's still rather apprehensive, but he can sit through your jokes now.

They'd immediately be panicking while Ragnarok stares at you, dumbfounded. They'd still get nervous whenever you make a joke, even if they know it's just your sense of humor.

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