Instagram Live with PorDee (1)

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Michelle and Anntonia settled back on the couch inside their bedroom for their Instagram Live session, ready for more interaction with their fans.

They set up Michelle’s phone on a tripod, ensuring they were both comfortably visible. Michelle hit the "Go Live" button, and soon, fans started flooding into the chat.

"Good morning, everyone!" Michelle greeted cheerfully. "We're here to catch up with all of you."

"Hi, everyone!" Anntonia said, waving shyly. "Hope you're all doing well."

The comments came in quickly, with fans expressing their excitement and love for the couple. Some fans, known as "Pordee" fans (a combination of their names), started asking questions about their relationship and recent activities.

"How's Thailand?" one fan asked.

"We're heading there soon for the MUT '24 coronation" Anntonia replied. "I'm really looking forward to it."

“Yeah, She have to pass the crown for MUT ‘24. It’s bittersweet, but exciting.” Michelle said.

As they chatted, Michelle couldn't help but notice how adorable Anntonia looked in her robe, her hair slightly messy from just waking up. She leaned over and kissed Anntonia’s cheek, causing a wave of heart emojis to flood the screen.

One comment caught Michelle's eye: "Anntonia, did you just wake up? You look so cozy in that robe!"

Anntonia laughed. "Yes, I just woke up. Michelle insisted we do this live, so here I am, in all my morning glory."

"She looks beautiful, doesn't she?" Michelle added, winking at the camera.

The teasing began as their friends, including Rhian and Max, joined the live chat. Rhian commented, "Nice robe, Ann! Did Michelle steal all your clothes again?"

Max chimed in, "Hey! Michelle, don’t let her catch a cold!"

Michelle try to ignore her friends comments " can you two please leave the live?"

Anntonia just laugh at her " Hi rhirhi and max! Good morning!!" said anntonia waving at the screen

A fan named jammie commented, “Are you two always this cute in the morning? 😍”

Michelle replied, “We try to be! Mornings are our favorite time together.”

Rhian commented again, “Favorite time, huh? I bet it is. 😏”

Max added, “Yeah, mornings are great for… working out together, right? Or am I missing something? 😂”

The fans picked up on the teasing, with comments flooding in like, “Spill the tea! What’s the morning routine really like?” and “We’re loving this playful side of you both!”

Michelle laughed. “Our morning routine is pretty standard. We wake up, cuddle a bit, and sometimes we do an Instagram Live to chat with all of you.”

“Don’t forget the part where you insist I get out of bed” Anntonia added with a smile.

“And I’m sure there’s plenty of… motivation to get out of bed, right?” Rhian teased again, sending a winking emoji.

Max chimed in “I’m just surprised Ann is still in the robe. Did Michelle hide her clothes again?”

“You guys see what I have to deal with?” michelle said, addressing the camera. “These two never miss a chance to tease.”

The teasing continued as fans and friends commented on their chemistry and closeness. One fan asked "What's your favorite thing about each other in the morning?"

"I love how peaceful Anntonia looks when she's sleeping, It's one of my favorite things to wake up to but don't let her wake up because she's so grumpy and clingy in the morning" Michelle said playfully

" No! i'm not." Anntonia protest.

"yes you are my love! don't deny it" michelle tease "remember last time when i just went to the bathroom and you cried cause you woke up without me by your side!"

The chat exploded with laughter and heart emojis. Fans were delighted by the couple's interaction and the playful teasing

Rhian commented again, "Awww, you two are making me melt over here!"

A fan named Maria commented, “Ann, we love your robe! You look so comfy and cute. But we’re curious, what’s the most romantic thing Michelle has done for you recently?”

Michelle looked at Anntonia with a loving smile. “Oh, that’s a good one. Tell them, Ann.”

Anntonia’s cheeks flushed again. “Well, recently Michelle planned a surprise picnic by the beach. It was just the two of us, with a beautiful sunset, and she even brought my favorite foods.”

"bet it's Jollibee!" a fan commented

"you got it right!" michelle said winking " i rememer the first time she ate jollibee, i cannot even talk to her because she's too focused on drinking the gravy" michelle said remembering how anntonia loved the gravy

"yeah!! and we had to go order another gravy" anntonia proudly said while laughing

"she even vacuum sealed some fried chicken to bring home to thailand" michelle continue " that's crazy of you my love"

The comments were filled with “Awws” and heart emojis.

As the live session continued, fans asked about their plans for the day. Michelle shared that they were planning to relax by the pool and maybe have a small get-together with friends later.

"Sounds perfect" a fan commented. "We love seeing you both happy."

"We are" Anntonia said, squeezing Michelle's hand. "Thanks to all of you for your love and support."

Michelle nodded. "We really appreciate it. You all mean so much to us."

Before wrapping up the live session, they answered a few more questions and read out some heartfelt messages from fans.

After answering more questions and sharing some of their favorite stories, Michelle glanced at the time. “Alright, everyone, we have to get going soon, but thank you for joining us this morning.”

Anntonia added, “Yes, thank you all for the love and support. We’ll definitely do this again soon.”

As they signed off, Rhian couldn’t resist one last comment. “Make sure to put some clothes on, Ann, before Michelle gets any ideas! 😂”

Max echoed “Yeah, don’t give Michelle any more excuses to keep you in that robe all day!”

Michelle laughed. “No promises! Bye, everyone! We’ll have to do this again soon," Michelle said. "Thanks for joining us this morning."

"Take care, everyone," Anntonia added, blowing a kiss to the camera.

As they ended the live session, Michelle turned to Anntonia. "That was fun. Our fans are amazing."

"They really are" Anntonia agreed. "And our friends... well, they love to tease us."

Michelle laughed. "That's what makes it fun."

They spent the rest of the morning relaxing, enjoying their time together. Rhian and Max joined them by the pool later in the afternoon, continuing the teasing and playful banter. The day was filled with laughter, love, and the warmth of their close-knit group of friends.

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