I don't know what to do

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I feel like I'm slowly losing my mind... 

You tell me how I'm the problem, 

How I make things up in my mind. 

Then I have to really think... 

Am I really the problem? 

I can't confide in you because you don't reassure me. 

I'm just making it all up... 

You think I don't care... but I do with my whole heart and then some. 

Some days I don't feel like I'm enough for you... 

But I can't tell you that because to you, I'm just making it up. 

I'm slowly falling apart and all you can tell me is that I'm the problem. 

I cause you stress, I play victim, there's no reason for me to cry. 

"you do it to yourself" 

But when I change things.... and be the way you want. "You don't care" 

I can never figure out what to do.... 

I know you're going through so much and I even ask your dad what am I doing wrong? 

And I wish I could make you feel better, and I wish I could help. 

I know you're not yourself... things aren't the same. 

At this point I just don't know what to do. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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