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After Ryosuke knew that Yuri will go to London for his operation.. He spent more time with the latter..

While Yuri is still peacefully sleeping, Ryosuke pinch his cheeks and kiss his pink plum lips

I will surely miss this.. He said in his mind and his tears fall down...

Yuri's POV

I am in the middle of my sleep when suddenly I felt like some drops of water are falling in my hands.. so I slowly open my eyes and I saw Ryosuke..

Wait? What?! Is he crying?!

R-Ryo chan are you c-crying?! I asked him worriedly

He look at the other side to hide his tears but I can still see it.. He wiped it after that he look at me and smile..

R-Ryo chan I call his name


Nothing I just want to call your name I said and giggle

Yamada just smile at him

The day has finally come Chii and his parents are going to London for his operation..

4 weeks past after Chii and his parents go to London Ryosuke became a cold person after that he didn't talk to much he's always moody and serious and he's always wanted to be alone his mother is very worried about his condition..

After school Ryosuke arrived

Tadaima.. He said and immediately go to his room and lock up. He put his Things in his study table and lay on his bed. He misses his Koibito so much he close his eyes as he reminisced their sweet moments

Suddenly he felt a drops of water are falling in his cheeks and then he realized he's already crying..

After that he go down stairs eat his dinner and go back to his room to rest..

[Mean a while]

After Yuto let go of Yamada he go back to England to just at least forget his feeling from Yamada.. When he is in the park shooting some pics for his photo collection his camera captured a photo of a Handsome , cute guy sitting at the bench its like Yuto attacked by love at first sight so he tried to find the guy from the pic after a week of finding he finally found the boy hes name is Okamoto Keito they became friends and after a month they started dating...

[Back to Yamada]

He's on he way home now its a bit late while he's walking he bump into a group of boys some of them are smoking

He just glare at them and continue walking but before he leave one of the boy grab his arm

Aren't you going to say sorry?! The boy said

Sorry for what?! Its your fault by being a big block on my way! Yamada shouted

The boy attempt to Punch him but Ryosuke is more fast than him so Ryosuke punch the boy's face first..

After that fight Yamada got a little bruises in his face

Tadaima.. He said

But before he go up in his room his mother saw his Bruises.

What happend to you?! Where did you get that bruises?! His mother asked worriedly

Its nothing Ryosuke replied

You got into a fight? His mother asked

Ryosuke just look at the other way..

You think Chii will be happy if he will know about this about your condition?! His mother said

He just took a deep breath and go to his room and lock up..


A/N: another failed chapter sorry for wrong grammars and spellings :) just comment down if there's a problem about this chapter & I hope you like it dont forget to vote~ arigatou ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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