CHAPTER XV: Surprise pt2

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♥Ryosuke's POV

After I open the locker I saw a pink envelope..

*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*
*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*
*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*

*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*
*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*
*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*

*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*
*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*
*Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug* *Tug dug*

Its like the pink envelope I first recieved from Chii.. I immediately open the Envelope

Dear Ryosuke,

Pls go to the school rooftop after school I" ll be waiting
Fr: Secret Admirer

My heart beats so fast my mouth can keep smiling I'm still standing at my locker

But what if its not him?
What if it's just a prank?

But still I wanted to know who's this ...

I immediately run through the hallway and stairs until I reached the roof top

My heart continue to beat so fast..

*Tug dug* *tug dug* *tug dug*

I slowly open the door..

But my smile suddenly fade away my heart stop beating

Well its just a waste of stamina!!

I'm so sad and disappointed..


Ryoo chaan~ I familiar voice singsang my name

Well I think im just imagining
Ryooo chaann~ the voice singsang my name again


Yuri is that you?

Suddenly I saw a familiar figure

I come near to the figure

And my heart continue to beat again


I immediately come near and hug him

Wahhhh! Ryo chan I thought you already forget about me he said with a teary eyes

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