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Since Cobra Kai were allowed to participate in the All Valley Tournament again Johnny decided it was a good idea for some more interesting training. In this case he told everyone to meet at the local scrap yard.

"You've trained hard" Johnny tells his students while he stands on a car "you've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You're ready for this tournament am I right?"

"Yes sensei!"

"Wrong!" He says throwing his can of beer onto the ground "your best ain't shit! If you want to win you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand"

"Yes sensei!"

"Are you losers?" He asks

"No sensei!"

"Are you nerds?"

"No sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No sensei!" They answer causing both Jess and Johnnie to face palm

They spent their time stepping through tyres, destroying parts of cars and almost falling off a plank of wood into glass. After all that everyone thought it was over.

"Are you hungry?" Johnny asks "cause so are they" he says blowing through a whistle causing dog barks to be heard getting closer.

"Oh shit" Aisha says before everyone starts to run in different directions. Jess starts to run with Hawk close behind, as she jumps onto a car he struggles to follow her up.

"Grab my hand" she calls out noticing the dogs getting closer. He does so and she just about pulls him up before getting bitten.

"Thanks" he says with a smile

"Yeah anytime" she replies keeping eye contract for a second before a dog close by barks making them jump.

"Did you have any plans after this?" He asks

"I don't think so" she answers "why'd you ask"

"My mum was wondering if you wanted to come round for dinner"

"One second" she says before turning her attention away "dad!" Johnny turns to her "do we have food at home?"

"A couple hot pockets I think" he calls back to her

"Okay yeah I can come" she says to Eli

The Moskowitz house was really nice and much bigger than Jess'. She always felt a bit weird going there because she was already worried about knocking something over or breaking things but they were always really nice to her.

"So I heard about you two doing karate together" Mrs Moskowitz says at the dinner table "how's that all going"

"Yeah good" Jess answers taking a pause from eating

"It's definitely different to watching Star Wars together" she mentions

"Mom!" Eli says to his mother. Jess notices how he doesn't wear his hair in a mohawk while he is at home but instead has it down, it reminds her how he hasn't really changed much.

"Well my dad is a pretty good sensei" Jess tells her "I think we will do pretty well at the tournament"

"Oh yes I've heard about this" his mom says "I'm excited to watch what you've learnt"

"You're watching?" Eli asks a bit shocked

"Well I was thinking I would" she tells him "what you don't want your old mom there" she teases

"No it's just-" he starts but doesn't finish

"This is lovely food by the way" she tells his mom

"Aw thank you darling" she responds with a smile

After eating she gets a text from Miguel saying 'I think your dad is cleaning?' Which confuses her a bit because that isn't a regular thing to happen. She decides it might be best to get home and Eli walks her out.

"I can't believe my mom is going to watch" he says

"I think it's sweet" she tells him

"Well she will see my tattoo" he explains

"We have gis on" she says facing him "unless your planning on taking it off" she laughs

"Wouldn't you like that" he responds and her jaw drops

"You're unbelievable" she says

"I'm kidding I'm kidding" he says raising his hands in the air "are you sure you can walk home?" He asks

"Don't worry I'm fine" she reassures him "I'll text you when I'm home"

"Okay see you tomorrow then"

"See you then" she says waving and walking away "by the way, your hair looks good like that" she calls just far away from him to hear and he shakes his head in response.

The next day after practice Jess, Miguel, Aisha and Eli were all in the cinema together, Jess sitting in between Aisha and Eli.

"I can't stop thinking about what Sensei told me about Sam's dad" Miguel says

"Yeah he's a dick" Jess comments

"So Sensei and Sam's dad had some beef. What's that to do with you?" Aisha asks

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" Miguel says "Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai. I'm a part of Cobra Kai. So by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate me"

"Jesus Christ you're such a nerd" Eli says

"Says you" Jess says bumping his shoulder "what are you doing anyway?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He says continuing to throw popcorn

"I haven't even been invited over yet" Miguel tells them

"Why don't you just go over there?" Jess asks

"Yeah, it's totally the alpha move" Eli explains and Jess turns to him

"What do you know about alpha moves?" Jess asks jokingly and he continues to throw popcorn, one piece hitting the back of a guys head causing him to turn around angrily.

"Happy now?" Jess whispers

"Very" Eli whispers back

Back home Jess is just in her room when she hears glass shattering from outside. She looks out her window to see three guys beating up her dad's car. "What the hell" she says to herself before getting up and leaving her room. She sees her dad going outside

"Stay here" he tells her and she nods. She watched from the window as her dad fights them while they light his car on fire. Jess stares confused at the situation as her dad drives off on a motorcycle.


Until the end - Eli Moskowitz/HawkWhere stories live. Discover now