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"Let's begin!" Johnny shouts to the class and there was silence.

Demetri raises his hand "begin what exactly?"

Daniel and Johnny look at each other. "Begin a new era" Daniel says "many of us used to be enemies" Jess and Sam exchange glances "but rivalries, don't need to last forever. The all valley tournament is only a few months away, the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. There's only one way we're gonna be able to beat-"

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves" Johnny interrupts "we're gonna teach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us. They strike first. We'll pre strike!"

"Okay we're getting ahead of ourselves. We are going to respond to what they do" Daniel steps forward

"Eagles do not respond" Johnny adds "they swoop down and take whatever they want. And that's what we're gonna do, take back the Valley"

"Take it back in a measured and organised approach" Daniel clarifies

"We bite first!" Johnny says

"Okay let's just warm up with some simple exercises" Daniel sighs

"All right line up!" Johnny yells, making the class spread out into rows

"Just breathe and follow me" Daniel tells them and starts to move his arms around

"Fighting positions!" Johnny shouts "right leg back and hiya!"

The day was filled with a mix of Daniel and Johnny's teaching methods. Jess mainly stuck with her dad's since that's what she's used to. Once the lesson had ended she went to pick up her stuff which happened to be next to Eli's.

"Hey" he says to her, bending down to get his bottle of water

"Hi" she says with a smile. They hadn't talked in long time.

"I like your shirt" he says

"You've seen me wear this loads" she laughs a little

"Yeah, yeah sorry" he shakes his head and she just smiles.

"I much prefer you being here than at Cobra Kai" she tells him

"Me too" he says

"Jess let's go!" Her dad calls for her

"I should-" she points towards where her dad is and starts backing away

"Oh yeah go" he pauses "I'll see you"

"Bye Eli" she calls back

That evening Johnny decided on hosting dinner for Carmen, Rosa and Miguel, mainly because Johnny and Carmen had a thing going. Jess was sat around the table with them.

"All right, tonight's main course is fajitas and grilled vegetables" he says placing it on the table "I have pico de gallo and corn and flour tortillas"

"Wow this looks delicious Johnny" Carmen says smiling

"Good. I got it off the Chilis website" he tells them "wanted it to be authentic". Rosa then says something in Spanish that Jess and Johnny don't understand.

"Check this out" Johnny says showing a container "spicy mango. Just like in the old country" and he pours it over Rosa's food.

"Okay so how was the big first day?" Carmen asks

"It's a work in progress" Johnny tells her

"I'm glad you and Daniel are working together. I just want to make sure Miggy's safe" she says

Until the end - Eli Moskowitz/HawkWhere stories live. Discover now