Chapter 11

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(Sting's pov) time skip: Monday
So I came to school today and found out that apparently this homecoming was girls ask boys. Fuck my life. I had spent so much money on zodiac and key related jewelry and made a huge poster with a long sentimental note to give to Yukino to ask her. And now I had to wait for her to ask me? It's never going to happen! She'd probably ask Rogue before she asks me. Actually, she will ask Rogue, it's so obvious that she likes him more than me.

"Sting, are you okay?" My favorite bluenette came up to me.

"Nah it's nothing Marvellous," I patted Wendy's head. "Don't worry about it."

"It's Yukino isn't it?" Wendy asked me. "You can't lie to me, I know it's true."

"Damn you Dragneel," I cursed at her, stupidly with her older brother standing by me.

"DONT CURSE AT MY SISTER!" Natsu yelled and punched me. "I already don't like you two being friends, you are such a bad influence."


"Sting isn't really that bad if you know him as much as I do," Yukino said, making me blush slightly. "He is a really sweet guy and I don't even get how the rumors started about him."

"Oh ho I see," Natsu winked at me. "Good luck with that."

"Yeah, let's go Natsu," Wendy smirked. "They obviously need alone time."

They walked away from us and turned around the corner, then will probably finish the loop around to watch what will happen between us. Wendy, you little brat, she knows how nervous I will get. That's right, Sting Eucliffe, the rebellious one, is nervous as fuck around Yukino Aguria. After what felt like infinity, she finally spoke up.

"So you know, homecoming is next week," Yukino spoke, the awkwardness lingering, "And how it's girls ask boys."

"Yeah, it sucks," I shook my head. "I was planning on asking someone; I had everything prepared for it, then stupid Jellal Fernandes ruins it for me."

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me?" Yukino asked. "As friends of course."

"Sure, why not," I responded, happy yet crushed. "Honestly I thought you were going to ask Rogue."

"He's with Kagura anyways," Yukino chuckled. "Besides, I've always thought of us as closer than I've ever been with Rogue."

"Thanks," I beamed at her.

"Well I should get going now," Yukino blushed. "Bye Sting!"

"Bye Yukino!" I said as she walked away.

Within 5 seconds of her being gone, Natsu, Wendy, Rogue, Lucy, and Mira appeared behind me.

"Just a question," Mira looked pissed off. "WHY DIDNT YOU KISS HER?"

"Or more importantly," Wendy glared at me, "Why didn't you tell her your feelings for her?"

"Were you all just watching that?" I asked them sheepishly.

"YEAH!" They all screamed in unison.
Oh my god. I am screwed.

(Romeo's pov) time skip: 2 days
Recently, everything between my best friend and I have been weird. Wendy refused to talk to me, or even acknowledge my presence near her. Heck, even today I asked her a question during science and she wouldn't even answer me! Enough is enough! I chased after her in the hallway before lunch to get to the bottom of this.

"Wendy!" I called out. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

She looked back at me, winced, then turned around and kept walking.

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