Isabel Aretas

679 17 19

Armando POV

I shuffle around in my bed , not being able to sleep. As the mindless thoughts run through my head, I turn around to look at the time.

2 am

A hour left.

Adrenaline starts pumping in my body.

I see my mother today.

I start getting ready and look in my closet, then I start to wonder. What's a good outfit for such a big day? I give out a chuckle, knowing sarcasm was always a thing between Camila and I.

Damn it, what am I thinking ? Feelings are not what I need right now. I shake my head vigorously getting situated with my gear and weapons that I need for today.

I step out of my room ready to go. As I pass by Camilas room, I couldn't help but step inside. There she was sleeping peacefully as ever. I probably look like a creep from a far but I couldn't help it.

It's all gonna be over soon Camila, I promise.

I haven't been treating her as usual but I need to get in the mindset again. I need to be the person that my mother raised. We'll get back what's ours.

I start heading out, but one of my cartel men approach me.
"Donde esta mi dinero" (where's my money)
"Espérate, necesitas hacer el trabajo primero, trae el camión" (wait, you need to do the job first, bring the truck) I said snarky, I can't believe the guts they have to be responding to me like that.
When I get into my truck, I open my computer. I type a encrypted code to have money deposited to every person helping me today

send in 30 minutes.

This should be a easy job.

We are in and out.

Isabella Aretas POV

All I hear is the sound of whips being slammed on the table as we fold towls. "Vamos damas, inútiles!avance avance!" ( c'mon ladies! Useless! Advance, advance!)

I roll my eyes. I can't wait to get out of here.

When I received a call from my son, I could only imagine the power that the future holds. The power that was stripped away from me, to be put in this ugly piece of mierda. (Shit)

I have been plotting my revenge on the person that has had a set back on my family. The person that almost ruined my son and I's relationship. I am going to make my son the person his dad once was.

As I start mumbling my words, going into my own world of evil , honoring my own leader, I get turned around by the yelling of my last name.
"Aretas! Carbón"
I look the guard in the eye, smirking as I see blood drip from her nose.

Es mi tiempo
(Its my time)

I grab the sharp object from the back of my neck and charge at the women. Slits start appearing on her body as I take out half of my anger on her. The prisoners around me start helping my escape with putting that useless women in the laundry machine.

Time to act like I took the beating.

I undress and put the women's innocent uniform on me. I drip the blood onto my face and lay down in a puddle of blood.

As I hear sirens ring throughout the whole jail, I sense a two males carry my body to an ambulance.

Once I felt the vehicle come to a complete stop, that's when I took my chance to kill at least one medic on board, a fatal injury to his throat. I hear rapid gunshots when I start to get up. As I step outside the vehicle, there he was.

Hasta la Muerte | Armando AretasWhere stories live. Discover now