Chapter 2

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It was fortunate that this sentence was proclaimed at the end of the dance, for Miss Tyler was wholly disconcerted and could not make another move. The Doctor, seeing this with some amusement, therefore bowed, took her arm and escorted her back to their previous party.

Mr. Smith and Miss Jones, having stood up together – which would have given Miss Tyler lots of joy, were she not still in shock – gazed upon their friend with concern.

"My dear Rose, are you unwell?" Miss Jones exclaimed?

On this, Miss Tyler was finally able to pull herself together, and shaking her head, she quickly assured her friends: "Not at all, I am quite al right."

Then, looking at the Doctor, still residing at her side, she softly apologized: "Forgive me Doctor, I don't know what came over me. I'm quite al right now, thank you."

"The fault is all mine, Miss Tyler. I should have upheld decorum and not speak so freely. I do hope you will forgive me, and let this not stand in the way of any possible future engagements?"

A nod was all Miss Tyler could offer at this statement. Too embarrassed as to look him in the eye once more. The Doctor, bowing again, hereafter took his leave. And in no small share of astonishment, the whole party saw him leave the room entirely, after only a quick adieu to the host.

With many pressings and questions, Miss Jones soon after set herself to learn the whole tale from her friend. However Miss Tyler could not bring herself to put forth the entire conversation. She relented in sharing the information as to his whereabouts, which was scarce indeed. His sentiments of finding a wife, so artless and conscientious delivered in that intimate setting of him holding her hand, were still too fresh in her mind and too confusing in their meaning, to utter aloud.

What was she to make of this?

She took her leave in requesting a little quiet and fresh air, and found herself a bench in the garden directly attached to the house, on which she seated herself and began to overlook the whole of her knowledge of the Doctor.

His visiting of all the great houses in the neighbourhood, certainly befitted his declaration. You are not to find a wife, if you do not know whom to chose from. Even if the manner is somewhat strange, Miss Tyler could see the astuteness of his actions. Attending the ball was only the next logical move to make, in getting to know certain young ladies, whom had the honour of befalling his attention.

However leaving the party after only dancing two pairs of dances, did not exactly add up to him wanting to become better acquainted. Unless – But no, there she should not venture her thoughts. It was highly improbable of a man of high society, being known at court, rich to be sure and handsome at that, to form an opinion and make a decision so shortly after meeting one little girl from a small country town.

Having not the heart to enter into another conversation or much less stand up for another dance, Miss Tyler occupied herself with walking through the garden. Occasionally crossing the ballroom, to give ease to her friends and family as to her whereabouts.

It was not till the following morning, that Miss Jones had the opportunity to speak in a more private and confidential manner to her friend. At the earliest opportunity she called on Powell.

"Now pray tell me, dear Rose, what did the Doctor say that gave you such anxiety? I did not think it possible for such amiable man to give such distress."

"No, not at all, I was not distressed, and on the whole he did not say anything unfavourable. He simply startled me by the straightforwardness of his answering my question."

In seeing the curiosity written on Miss Jones face, Rose quickly explained: "He seemed determined at first to elude all my questions and I grew weary of that. So I pressed him in answering at least one inquiry without ado: the reason for his being here."

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