Chapter 13

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The kiss lasted but a moment, there the Doctor perceived the sound of footsteps and gentle conversation approaching. Rose could not hear a single thing, she was still in a state of utter light-headedness. Her eyes fluttered open when the Doctor quickly rose and pulled her along, unwilling to forgo the privilege of privacy just yet.

Taking a detour, swiftly crossing a patch of grass, leading to a path into more dense groves, the Doctor did not take his arm from around her waist, until he was sure she could once again stand on her own feet.

"Propriety bids me to apologize right now, but that would suggest I did something to be sorry about and that is not the case. However if I have offended you, I do beg your pardon."

"No need," Rose had found her composure and feeling a little giddy, she added: "Feel free to 'offend' me, any time you please."

Mesmerized by the tip of her tongue peeking out the corner of her mouth, the Doctor momentarily failed to register her words, nevertheless the result was quite the same.

His long, lean fingers rose to caress her soft cheek and tilting his head a little, he moved in to comply wholeheartedly.

This time the kiss began chaste, a simple press of one's lips to the other's. When the Doctor stepped forward, making their body's connect, Rose gasped and seizing the opportunity of her lips parting, the Doctor deepened the kiss.

Rose had known the Doctor would show her the stars, taking her along in his beautiful ship. However seeing stars so soon had not entered her mind, and there was simply no other explanation for the state she was presently in. Her hands moved on their own accord, one to rest on his back, the other drifted further up and came to a halt when she reached his hair.

Her fingers started curling themselves around the soft strands in his neck and she was shocked when a low growl emerged from the back of his throat and he pressed her more firmly against him.

When the thought entered her mind that she became in dire need of oxygen, the Doctor abruptly released her and took a shaky step back.

He looked at her, with open admiration and clear desire, he did not make an apology and Rose did not seek one. They were both breathing a bit heavy, struggling to regain some balance.

Finally Rose found enough composure to steady her voice and she said: "I think it best-"

She swallowed and continued, a tad more shy: "That you should marry me as soon as possible."

The Doctor, not knowing what kind of reprimand was to be expected, certainly had not suspected this and relief visible in all his features, he burst out laughing.

Taking both her hands in his he said: "My amazing, brilliant Rose. I will, as soon as humanly possible. Having unfortunately not a clue what needs to be done before the blessed event can take place, you may settle the date to your liking. Do not trouble yourself, believing me anxious to leave here. I will be as happy as you are, simply being near you."

Rose felt there was an emotion following that statement, and imagining she understood his unspoken words, she agreed to herself to set the date at the earliest opportunity.

"I think one week from now will give ample time to secure all the necessary preparations."

Her guess proofed correct, when she saw his eyebrows rise in happy surprise and the kiss he placed on her hand made her smile affectionately.

"Are you sure though?" He questioned, brow wrinkled. "I would just as well wait a month, should you need one. I know women usually have great expectations for their wedding day, nothing less than perfection and all. To have you regret your wedding day the rest of your life, due to rushing on my account, would be mortifying."

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