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Just Niall channeling his inner Hazel Grace. Beautiful.


"I'm knackered," I announced as soon as Teagan and I arrived at our flat. I ran towards our couch, which was conveniently close by the door, and jumped face first into the cushion. Once my body came in impact with the couch, I sighed in content. The both of us just came back from Disneyland after a long and busy day of work.

"May I ask why you're hugging the couch as if your life depended on it?" Teagan asked with confusion laced in her voice. I didn't feel like raising my head up from this comfy position so I just grunted at her. In response, she grabbed my shoulder forcing me to actually get up. She pushed me to the other side of the couch and sat in the same spot my head was just on.

I squinted my eyes at her but Teagan didn't seem phased since she's already used to it. Being the nice friend she was, she brought my legs onto her lap and gave me her full undivided attention.

"Now, are you going to tell me about your day or I am going to force it out of you as usual?" Teagan inquired, one of her bushy eyebrows rising in curiosity. I start to mimic her to be funny and to also avoid talking but I immediately stopped once she gave me a look that meant 'talk or I'll chop off Niall Jr.'.

"Today was a living nightmare," I confessed while inwardly groaning.

"Care to explain, Ni?" She questioned me and I sighed, trying to find the right words to describe this awful day.

"I really love my job but today was just horrible. Little kids kept on throwing up on me and I almost fought this one teenage boy who wouldn't stop mocking me," I cringed when I said those words. Teagan nodded her head as she tried to understand my situation.

I closed my eyes whilst putting my hands over my face and rested my head on the end of the couch.

"You'll be fine," Teagan stated and I groaned even louder.

"No I won't. This horrific day has caused emotional damage to me!" I yelled while throwing my arms up into the air before putting it back to its previous position.

"Okay, now you're just being overly dramatic," She accused me and I shrugged my shoulders in response. It was then both of our heads turned towards the front door that was being opened. A figure stepped through the entrance and walked right to the where we were sitting. We both realized the figure was only just Zayn.

"Who has emotional damage?" Zayn asked as soon as he sat down on the couch next to us, making himself comfortable. He stuffed the key Teagan and I had given him when we first moved to France a year ago into the back pocket of his jeans and waited for an answer. At first, I was confused as to why he was here but then it dawned to me that today was also the day where we have our usual weekly hangout.

Since the three of us are committed to our jobs at Disneyland, we decided to create a day every week where we can just get together and take a break from work. It's convenient for us seeing that Zayn lives in apartment on his own not too far from us.

"Hey, Z," Teagan and I greeted Zayn in unison.

"No one answered my question," Zayn whined a little and I didn't feel like saying anything so I nudged Teagan. She nudged me even harder causing me to wince but she went off to speak anyway.

"You're best friend over here is acting like it's the end of the world just because he had a rough day at work," Teagan started to explain my day to Zayn. His lips formed into an 'o' shape when she finished her brief explanation.

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