Chapter 10: The Search

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(Siobhan's POV)

Rodger had one hand gripped tightly around my arm while speeding down the road. I tried to squirm to get free of his grasp but his grip only tightened. "Rodger please I'm sorry please let me go." I begged as tears started streaming down my face. I just wanted to go home to Viv and Jamie I just wanted out.

His hand came up slapping me across the face. "Shut up!" He yelled as he drove faster. He took us to this house I'd never seen before. He pulled me out of his car dragging me to the house and up the stairs to the bedroom.

Once we were in the bedroom I looked Alene at my surroundings. I had never been here before, there were windows in the bedroom but they didn't open. I was trapped here. He threw me down on the bed and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "Until you can behave you'll stay here. Youre mine. And I don't like traitors." He growled. He handcuffed me to the headboard and beat me till I could barely breathe. After he walked out I heard the lock turn in the door.

I. Was. Trapped.

(Vivian's POV)

I sat anxiously in the living room waiting for Siobhan to get home and tell me how it went. When I looked at the clock I was confused, it shouldn't be taking them this long. Should it? I guess I didn't have an actual understanding of what all goes into meetings like this.

After another 2 hours I started to panic. I picked up my phone and called the blonde. No answer. I texted her. No answer. So I called Marjorie. "Hello my love how are you?" Marjorie's cheery voice came through the phone. Ok she's in a good mood so that must be good? I thought. "Hiya Marjorie I was just curious how long the meeting was going to be I haven't heard from Siobhan yet so I assume they're still in the meeting?" I said.

"What? No, we've been done for hours! We won! Wait..... you haven't heard from her? She's not home?" Marjorie said starting to worry. Hearing the worry in her voice made my panic rise even further. "No she's not home, she won't answer the phone idk what going on?" I said as I feel my breathing start to quicken.

"Hold on my love I'm on my way we'll figure this out!" She yelled before hanging up. I rang my mom to come watch Jamie. I heard a knock at the door praying it was my beautiful girlfriend on the other side. When I opened it I saw my mom, and I broke down. "Oh sweetheart it's ok we're going to find her." She held me tightly rubbing my back. After a few minutes we broke out of our embrace and she went to find Jamie to take him for some ice cream. As she was leaving Marjorie pulled up.

"My love I've sent Reece back over to the office to see if she's still there." She said as she put a hand in my shoulder. "We're gonna find her." Marjorie said and looking in her eyes I believed her.

We made our way inside where Marjorie called autumn and asked for her help. I had gotten the brunette and I some water while we waited to hear back from Reece. When Marjorie's phone rang she answered it putting it on speaker. "Hey darling is she there?" "Uh... Marjorie..." he started my heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest as tears started forming in my eyes. "Her car is here. Her bag with her phone and everything is in the passenger seat but she's not here. When I got here her car door was open. I've looked everywhere around here and she's not here." He said and Eve. He sounded panicked.

I felt Marjorie grab my hand helping ground me. As I silently sobbed next to her. Where was she. What happened. I should've been there.

We had everyone here in our house. Mia, Charlotte, autumn, winter, Reece, and Marjorie. Everyone was coming up with a plan on where to look. Secretly we all knew who had her. We knew Rodger had something to do with this. We checked Rodger's home, all his other vacation homes, we checked areas Siobhan typically liked to go alone. Bars, everywhere and the blonde was no where to be seen.

(Siobhan's POV)

(Time skip one week)

The amount of abuse Rodger had out me through in this one week would've killed your average woman. But the only thing keeping me going was picturing Jamie and Viv. Knowing and hoping I'd make it home to them. He'd been gone for quite awhile today and I knew he wouldn't be back till late. He still had me chained to the bed. But something came over me. I needed to get out I needed to get home. I was going to fight back.

I knew where he kept the key to the handcuffs I'd watched him put them back several times now. The way I had to reach to try and get to the drawer it felt like my wrist was going to snap. I sighed a breath of relief when I was able to open the drawer and grab the key. Now the next step was figuring out how to escape. With the door locked and no windows I didn't have too many options.


I saw Rodger's landline. I walked up to it and picked up the phone. When I heard the static on the line I cried tears of joy. Ok, ok Siobhan focus what was her landline number.

After a few minutes Siobhan hesitantly dialed the number. "Hello?" A confused but all too familiar voice picked up the phone. Siobhan could hear the panic and fear in her tone. "Viv..." is all she said before she started to cry. "Darling? Siobhan? Is that you? Where have you been? Where are you?" She said panicked. I could hear Marjorie in the background. "Siobhan??? She called? Where is she?" Marjorie sounded just as scared. "I don't know where I am but I'm in a house and it's up by the coffee shop we met at outside of town. Please help." I begged. "Ok darling, ok, we're on our way."

(Vivian's POV)

I told the siblings Marjorie, Mia, and Char what Siobhan had said about her location. The siblings looked at eachother confused. "Our dad doesn't own any houses over there?" Reece said not knowing where to start looking. "Yes he does..." Mia's voice spoke up quietly. "I know where she is we need to go now." Mia said rushed. The siblings, and Mia took one car racing off so fast. I wanted to get in my car to follow them. When Marjorie and Charlotte grabbed me. "Viv my darling we need to stay here. Those three will bring her home." I tried to fight out of their grip but I couldn't. We went back inside and I continued to pace back and forth.

(Mia's POV)

Reece sped all the way across town following the directions I had given him. I sat there hoping the blonde would still be alive when we got there. What everyone didn't know was why I knew about this house. This is the house Rodger broke me in. The day he got his claws into me. They say my life changed forever. When we pulled up outside the house Reece all but knocked the door off its hinges. We split up Reece heading downstairs and autumn and I heading upstairs.

I immediately made my way towards the bedroom doors that were closed. They were locked and I knew the blonde was in there. "Autumn!" I yelled. She came running. I watched as the brunette half smiled before completely knocking in the door. As we both looked up I made eye contact with Siobhan. Autumn and I made our way to her. For the most part she looked healed. However even in just a weeks time we could tell Rodger wasn't allowing her to eat. She gripped our hands tightly as we walked her to the car. I got her situated in the back seat while autumn went to find Reece.

(Siobhan's POV)

"Thank you for finding me." I whispered out. Mia smiled at me, a true genuine smile. In that moment I could see what Charlotte saw in the red head. "We're gonna get you home." The red head came and sat in the back seat with me while we waited for the siblings. "Are you hurt? Do we need to take you to the hospital?" The red head asked. "No, he hurt me very bad the first day but after that he just starved me, I'm pretty much healed from the beatings." I said as I wrapped my arms around myself. As we pulled into the driveway I watched as the door flew open and Viv all but ran out the door towards the still moving car. My door was open before Reece could park the car as I climbed out do the car running into her arms.

We stayed like this for a few minutes everyone else going inside to give us a moment. "Thank god you're ok." Viv kept saying over and over again. We held eachother tight before making our way inside to our friends.

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