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"Shut up," Mal groaned, rolling her eyes as she filed into the English classroom, Carlos and Georgiana following behind her

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"Shut up," Mal groaned, rolling her eyes as she filed into the English classroom, Carlos and Georgiana following behind her. Her two friends were taking turns pinching each other and tugging on each other's hair. And Neville was no help, right there behind them and egging them on by encouraging Georgie.

"C'mon. You can't let a man beat you. Think about feminism," Neville said, snickering.

Georgie then slung her arm out and hit Carlos hard in the gut, who bent over and groaned, holding the sore spot. "Jesus, Georgie."

"Don't blame me," she shrugged. "Blame feminism."

"Get a move on, freaks," Audrey said from behind them, clearly annoyed that they were blocking the door.

"Sorry," Georgie muttered while scurrying to her desk. She was always trying to be nice to Audrey since stealing her boyfriend inadvertently — though she did seem happy enough with Chad. He was handsome and royalty, so that was all she needed.

As of late, Neville had made a point of swapping desks with Doug so that he could sit next to Mal. And though the two were dating, the purple haired girl still was playing it cool. She couldn't let anyone know that she was actually starting to like the love-spelled boy — though Georgie and Evie could see right through her. She was starting to like him and Auradon.

"Alright, class, settle down," their teacher, Mrs. Hamilton said, gathering their attention. "Jane is so kindly passing around our next book for the term. It's another classic — Othello."

When Jane handed the book to Georgiana, she thanked her softly and began flipping through it. She hid her grimace well when she saw lots of ancient words. It didn't help her reading challenges when the sentences were structured so oddly and formally.

Mrs. Hamilton began assigning parts to students, and Georgie was so thankful when she wasn't given a part. Carlos was stuck with someone named Rodrigo, and Audrey had Iago. The name made Georgie snicker, knowing Jay would find it funny too if he were in the class.

However, they only got through the first few sentences of the scene before Audrey was clearing her throat and raising her hand. When she spoke, she sounded much more hoarse than before.

"Mrs. Hamilton, I think I have a sore throat," she said with a huge pout on her face, like it was just tragic that she couldn't read that day. "Maybe someone like Georgiana could take my place."

"Very well."

Georgie froze, and she looked at Carlos in panic, who usually volunteered for her if not Ben. But Ben was out and making plans for the festivities being held the next day to welcome parents.

"Actually, I can read," Mal said quickly. "Then I can tell Jay all about the character his pet bird was named after."

Mrs. Hamilton stared down her nose at Mal, who was usually too busy defacing her desk to participate in class. "How unusually helpful of you, Mal. But I believe Miss Gaston does not need your help."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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