Dear Reece (from Carly)

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Sorry about this one.

Hey reece,

Do you find me annoying? Like I know you make fun of my voice and call me a kid but I'm sure that's all banter you know. But like, if you find me annoying tell me and I can leave you alone.

I wouldn't blame you, by the way, if you did. I get you to drive me everywhere, you buy me lunch everyday. I know you said you don't mind but if you did deep down I wouldn't be offended.

Sometimes I think I'm too much for people. Like I ramble too much, or I have weird interests. This is probably me overthinking, I don't know anymore.

Remember Emily? She used to tell me that I was annoying, ugly, and that she didn't get why anyone would ever like me. I know you said I'm perfect the way I am, and that I'm like a 'work daughter' but sometimes in my head I think that Emily is right and that I don't deserve the kindness you give to me.

Thanks, by the way, for being a work dad. I know it seems like I take you for granted but I don't seriously. You have been so good to me and I would be so lost without your help. So like, that's why I'm saying this.

I'd hate to think that I am bothering you but you couldn't feel like you could tell me. If you get sick of me, please just tell me and I'll leave you alone. But if you're not sick of me, then sorry I made you read this letter for no reason.

Xoxo Carly <3

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