Dear Carly (response to dear Reece)

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My darling Carly,

Reece showed me the letter you wrote for him and he is in shambles. He is actually in tears right now at the possibility that you think he doesn't want you around. Just know, both me and Reece love you and value you so much my lovely.

I know the people at your school were absolutely horrible to you, but that wasn't your fault. They were bored, cynical people who had nothing better to do than to pray on someone they were intimidated by. Those people were obviously jealous at the fact you are kind and loving and unapologetically you. In their eyes, If they couldn't be those things, neither could you.

We love you so much Carly, we've really grown to view you like a daughter. I am so proud of you and of the person that you have become. You are so brave and have fought so many battles that you shouldn't have to have. You really are a testament on what it means to be strong.

Carly, my darling you are NOT annoying. You are bubbly, and positive and every time you enter a room it lights up. Please remember that your presence is a light at the end of a tunnel, a hope that things are good in the world, and not something we want to get rid of.

Don't you dare think about leaving us Carly. ''If you want me to go'' We don't. I mean this seriously and sincerely, we would be so lost without you. The mere thought of not having you in our lives is unbearable, never feel like you're a burden.

Also Don't be sorry for the letter, I am glad you can talk about your feelings, and not bottle them up. You are so brave, my lovely, and so valid. I love you so much I hope you know that. Reece also says love you, but he is currently crying while doing research on fun activities for dads and daughters, so I'm writing this letter.

Love your work mum and dad, Marj and Reece <3

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