The Return

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Chloes pov:

We just returned and oh my god is everything different but good different. I cant wait to start the school year. My next thought flickers to red. Where is she? Is she ok? I should go check on her. I look around.

"PRINCESS! " i hear a familiar voice shout from behing me.
I spin round as fast as i can.

"red!" i say a slight hint of excitement in my tone.

"hey hows our fixed future treating you" she jokingly wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"well" i start to say my face turning pink, "my mums alive so thats good and your mums nice we did it" i hold back my childish exitement and need to stim and jump up and down in exitement.

"yea we did princess well i gotta get my stuff to my dorm" red responds calmly

"yea mines already up there so im gonna head up to my dorm and start unpacking see you when i see you" i reply as calmly as i can slightly disapointed red is leaving so soon.

What is going on... Shes just a friend... I shouldnt be thinking like that... Maybe i just need to clear my head.


A/n hey guys sorry its short i am on holiday rn so writing it between things its also my first story and im dyslexic and so trying my hardest but it may be a bit naff hope you enjoy and continue reading
Red is going to get a bit more closed off and back to her normal self soon just wait shes had a bit of exitement from their win in this chapter.

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