Chapter fifteen

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Once she had reached the end of the story Yösade watched Armollinen carefully waiting for his opinion. She had always relied on his wisdom for big decisions which meant she was quite surprised when he asked her what she planned to do.
"Pardon?" Yösade asked surprised
"What do you plan on doing?"
Armollinen asked again.
"I uh hadn't really thought about that"
She murmured
"I guess just wait for him to mature and grow and then I'll see what he needs"
She said thoughtfully
"Yes that will be the plan for now"
Armollinen nodded
"Good now come I have something I wish to discuss with you."
He said.
Warily Yösade followed him down to the kitchen.
"Yösade it has come to my attention that you have been skipping school quite often."
Armollinen stated watching her for a reaction
"Would you tell me why that is?"
Yösade thought for a minute and then spoke
"I suppose it's because I'd rather be in the woods or drawing and the village teachers make the lessons so very boring and frightfully simple that I'm not interested or invested so I simply spend a few hours in the woods or for the past few weeks with Rauha's egg."
Armollinen nodded
"I suppose now that your dragon has hatched it will need more attention and he cannot go to school with you for that would be dangerous for the dragonling and would raise to many questions as to where you got him. But luckily for you I have a solution to that problem. You will learn at home and be taught by me. I have also realized that the village school does not teach you certain things I wish you to know."
Yösade frowned thoughtfully and nodded slowly
Armollinen clapped
"You agree then? That is good. We will start tomorrow."

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