The War

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"Yes father... I understand, completely," the Devils son said irritatedly.
"Natsu, just break into heaven and kill the angels," the devil said angry.
"Ok!" Natsu said walking away, towards the demons that follow him.
"War shall begin!" He yelled.
Natsu and his army charged toward heavens gates, bringing them down like nothing.
He slashed through every single angel that was near, as did his army.
"Stop!" The sound of a sweet innocent angel girl yelled, stopping Natsu in his tracks.
He ran towards the source ready to kill her, but stopped once he saw the blonde beauty on the ground crying.
"Take her away," Natsu said to his men.
"But sir-" one said bit was silenced by Natsu.
"I said take her away... we're bringing her with us to the dark castle," Natsu said angrily.
"Please..." the girl whispered as some demons dragged her by her arms.
Natsu then walked into the thrown room and saw the angel king Jude.
"Natsu? Please leave my daughter alone!" The king begged.
"Oh come one, we both know that, she's not your only daughter, there's Wendy!" Natsu said with an evil smirk.
"How did you-"
"Doesn't matter, I was just curious of how you want to die? I could burn you or just slaughter you," Natsu said evilly.
But before the king could say anything Natsu burned the king, saying, "to late."
When the king was completely dead Natsu burned the white marble castle down and smirked as it fell.
He then went back to his castle ready to kill the angel girl.
"Why?" She cried out.
She looked so vulnerable, even to Natsu.
"I'm the devil of course," Natsu laughed evilly.
"Please leave Wendy alone, kill me, instead," she said tears falling down.
"Well there's an idea but, I want you to watch your little sister die and, until then your screams will become music to my ears, at night," he said smirking.
The angel girl started to cry.
"Blondie now, continue to cry," Natsu said laughing evilly.
He then had the girl chained up in his room.
"I'm scared of the dark," she whimpered as he turned off the lights.
"Just shut up, Blondie," he said irritatedly.
"Please... call me Lucy, not Blondie," she said.
"Lucy huh?" Natsu said rolling his eyes, "I like Blondie better."
"And just because your the Devils son doesn't mean you aren't your own person," she said before laying down on the cold hard floor.
She soon fell asleep.
Natsu thought about it, 'did she really just say that?'
"Be my own person huh?" He asked himself, "strange girl."

My Angel book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin