angel food cake

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"Do it!"
It's been two days...
"I command you to eat the food!" Natsu yelled angrily at the angel.
"And I say no thank you!" Lucy said back obviously irritated with the young devil.
"Please," Natsu begged.
"Fine... but it's not gong to be... whatever that is..." Lucy said gesturing to the dog bowl on the floor full of taco sauce.
"Fine but what do you want?" Natsu asked.
"I can't eat it unless me or another angel creates it, so where's your kitchen," Lucy asked politely.
"Come on," Natsu said getting up and trusting the angel to not runaway.
They have become friends after awhile of talking.
He was leading her to the kitchen.
They passed many demons who glared at Lucy but when they'd walk toward the two Natsu growled causing them to walk away.
Lucy thought that Natsu was being sweet.
Then they walk into the huge kitchen.
"Ok... do your cooking..." Natsu said sighing loudly, and taking a seat at the table.
He watched as she 'cooked'.
He didn't understand.
"Say... what are you even making?" Natsu asked rudely.
"Angel food cake!" Lucy said smiling excitedly.
Natsu couldn't help but smile back at her, 'she truly was an angel...'
"Is it any good?" He asked pretending to gag.
"Oh, absolutely!" Lucy giggled, "I'll make extra for you, ok?"
Natsu just smiled and nodded with the same smile.
After awhile...
"Done! Dig in!" Lucy announced happily holding the cake above her head.
But when Natsu reached for a slice Lucy slapped it away, "you should invite some friends, it'd be rude not to share."
Natsu rolled his eyes.
He got up and disappeared into the hall coming back seconds later... with a red head girl and a bluenett.
"Hi!" The bluenett said excitedly.
"Hi!" Lucy said smiling and waving.
"Ooh, cake," the scarlet girl said licking her lips.
"Here," Lucy said giving her a plate with a pice of angel food cake on.
The red head gladly took it.
Lucy had a plate of her own in front of her.
She ate it slowly.
Natsu noted this and watched her while eating his own.
"I'm Levy and this is Erza," the bluenett said breaking the silence.
"Lucy..." Lucy said smiling.
"We know..." Erza mumbled.
Lucy just looked back down at her cake, which wasn't finished.
"What's wrong?" Levy asked noticing her mood change.
"Yeah why are you eating it so slowly?" Natsu asked shoving a bunch of cake into his mouth.
"It might be my last," Lucy said staring hard at the cake.
Natsu just looked down with sorrow.
He is becoming fond of the girl.

***time slip

"Thank you Lu-chan for the cake, bye Natsu-san!" Levy waved and walked away with a satisfied erza by her side.
"Bye!" Lucy waved smiling.
Then the two walked back to Natsu's room silently.
Natsu was deep in thought and didn't realize that he had an angry expression on.
"Hey, silly," Lucy said with a sad smile, "are you ok?"
"I'm sorry," Natsu said looking away from her beautiful brown eyes.
"I understand, it's what your father wants. So I know it's nothing personal," she said with another sad smile.
'She's amazingly calm and nice,' Natsu kept thinking.
Natsu didn't feel any better, 'it's not my choise she's right...'
Then they heard a knock and Natsu shot a glance at Lucy, she knew and ran to her slave head quarts putting the chains on.
It was just Gray and the raven colored hair boy peaked his head in the doorway, "Come quick!"
Natsu and him disappeared into the halls as Lucy went into thought.
"We found their secret hide out, and we need you, our leader, to come!" Gray said to his friend.
"No," Natsu said angrily, his eyes being shadowed by his bangs, "it's wrong."
Gray looked at him with disbelief, "Natsu this is our chance of finishing our war!"
"No is not 'our' war it's my father's war! And they're not even fighting back!" Natsu shouted.
"Wow, it took you long enough to realize..." Gray chuckled, "was it that girl?"
Natsu raised his head, "she's not just 'that girl'. She's Lucy..."

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