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after spending a little time with mia, fiona called me on her land line. she ended up helping me find a casual date outfit, and forced me to join the influencer life. even when i told her it was just a thought of the moment kind of thing, she made sure i had that tiktok account made and ready for it's first video. she's so persistent sometimes. i didn't even want to make the new account, because i already had a tiktok account that i used but she demanded that i needed a brand new start.

so here i am, setting up my phone camera, putting the ten minute option and pressing the record button. 

"hey guys, get ready with me to go on a date!" i waved at the camera. "so basically, i don't know if this is gonna get on the for you page or not but i was heavily encouraged to try this out!" i gestured. 

"i've seen some people just give their make up routine so ill just do that, i start mine off with primer." i showed the elf grip primer. "i'll just talk about me, so my name is elora, and ill put my age on the screen so tiktok doesn't take this down." i pointed somewhere random on the screen so i'd edit it later.

"im not really mixed? from what i know, both of my parents are jamaican, but i grew up spain. but my parents moved me to bolivia when i was like 12 and i've lived here ever since." i showed the camera my concealer. 

"i currently work in a coffee shop, it might seem miserable but i love studying there after school on my breaks." 

"i have a little sister, her name is mia and she's the most sweetest thing ever." i smiled thinking about her. 

"i love maths, i know that sounds so nerdy but it's just been something i was always good at."

"my mom has the blue eyes in my family, and some how me and my sister both got it."

"my favorite artist is romeo santos, and drake on a good day."

"i love putting black on my water line, it brings out my eyes." i mention, putting the eye pencil back in my drawer before brushing my lashes and doing my mascara. "el!" i heard my sister scream before rushing in my room. 

"la se rompió la manija del refrigerador!" mia came in my room with the handle of the fridge, giggling. i started laughing with her and took the handle from her. "we're also a little broke." i gestured with my hands and cut the clip. "nothing a little tape can't fix." i threw it on my bed. "mia, go get dressed! lamine will be here any minute. what did you need from the fridge anyways?" i questioned. 

"una caja de jugo por favor!" she pleaded and i got up and walked with her to the fridge. i got it open with my hands and placed the juice box in her hands. "gracias!" mia cheered as she ran back to her room.

"anyways, i was about to do my lip combo." i said, starting a new clip. "hmm, i can speak english and spanish since i was raised in spain. but i don't know creole, my parents weren't present enough to teach me that." i said sarcastically before starting my lip combo. but then i saw a notification from lamine, saying he was outside. 

"oh shoot my dates outside. but my entire outfit from shein, i know im poor come after me i don't care. and i also know that it's super hot outside to be wearing this but it was too cute not to." i rushed to put my lip gloss and perfume on. "bye guys!" i stopped recording and saved the video to my drafts before hearing some knocks on the door. 

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