Chapter Two: Darkness

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Chapter Two: Blackness

Lena woke up on a cold, hard floor. Her body ached as she opened her eyes and looked around. She was propped against a wall and her hand was chained above her head. Her arm was completely numb. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she noticed a figure also chained to the wall. She spoke in a raspy voice, “Hello? Can you hear me?”

A voice replied, “Lenny, is that you?”

Horror went through her entire body. The only person who called her that was her boyfriend, Patrick. She whispered, “Patrick, is that you?”

A bang of a door cut off his reply. Lights flashed on and there stood Mr. Rutzmoser. Lena shuddered and he smiled delightedly at her. He said, “Ah, how I always love a happy reunion.”

Lena hissed, “Why is he here?”

He replied in satisfaction, “I thought it might get some cooperation into you. You see, I believe that if some harm could come to the boy, you’d be more eager to train.”

Lena glared at him. She said in a strong voice, “I’m not going to help you destroy a race that protects humankind.”

Patrick said in a groggy voice, “Lena, what’s going on?”

She hissed at him, “Patrick, shut up.”

Mr. Rutzmoser chuckled. “Either way, he’s going to die. He knows too much. I promise you if you help me, it’ll be a quick, painless death. If you refuse, it’ll go so much worse for him. And I’m sure you don’t want that.”

Patrick said, “Don’t help him. Don’t, Lena.”

Lena swallowed against her dry throat. They both seemed to wait her reply. Either way, he’d die. Didn’t Lena want him to die quickly and without pain? But if she helped him, she’d be the cause of many deaths instead of one sole death. But that death would be her boyfriend. Lena looked up at Mr. Rutzmoser. His expression was amused and waiting expectantly. Anger boiled up in her and she spat at him. Fire came out of her and lit his dress pants on fire. Lena jumped back as he jumped around, batting out the flames. When he had extinguished the flames, he looked at Lena in fury. He said menacingly, “You will help me. You have no choice about it.”

Lena snarled, “Fuck you.”

He backhanded her and she stared back at him furiously, her cheek stinging.

She whispered, “You don’t control me, you filthy bastard.”

He smiled at her. It wasn’t a pleasant smile. It made Lena’s skin crawl and she held back a shudder. He went to Patrick and he unlocked his chain. Lena said, “Don’t touch him. Leave him alone.”

Mr. Rutzmoser said, “Oh, but darling, you already decided his fate. If only you had more love for him.”

He put a type of bubble around her. She tried to move out of it but it bounced her back into the wall. He chuckled. “Not even your power will help you, Halfling.”

Lena threw herself against the enchantment desperately as he dragged Patrick across the room. Patrick said, “I love you, Lenny. I always have.”

She said, “I love you, too, Patrick.”

Mr. Rutzmoser sneered, “How touching.”

Then he dragged Patrick out the cellar. Lena felt tears stream down her face and she threw herself against the bubble, yet being restrained by the chain. Lena heard Patrick’s screams echo throughout the house and she sobbed. Why? She covered her ears, trying to block out Patrick’s tortured cries. Lena rocked back and forth. Eventually, Patrick’s cries came to a stop. Lena threw herself against the thing one last time, and it burst. She fell onto the cold, concrete floor. Lena looked up and saw Rutzmoser gazing at her with amusement. Lena picked herself up and said, “What do you want?”

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