Chapter Three: Lena McHenry

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Chapter Three: Lena McHenry

Alex watched Lena McHenry tell her story. Lena was very pretty indeed, with her black, curly hair, and those light green eyes were energetic even as she told such a chilling story. Alex noticed the unhealed cut across her forehead and how she had bruises covering her. She was covered in dirt, too. When she finished her story, the life went out of her and she took a sip of her soda.

Alex said, “Well, it seems the horrifying truth of things hasn’t sunk in yet. That’s always good.”

Grace said, “Oh, my Gods.”

Lena shrugged. “It’d be great if you could return me to my parents.”

Shannon spoke up, “You can’t go back. That’s the first place he’ll look. You’ll have to come with us.”

Lena snorted. “Well, that’s just fantastic. Where do you guys even live?”

Abigail responded in a tone that implied everyone knew, “Where all the Perpetrators on the East Coast report to.”

Lena asked, “And where that might be?”

He interjected, “We all call it Olympia.”

Lena said, “Whoopee. I’ve always wanted to be stared at like I was a zoo exhibit. What are we waiting for?”

Grace continued driving. She said, “When we all get back to Olympia, Alex, I want you to escort Lena to the clinic. I must talk to the Mistress about our current situation. This Mr. Rutzmoser poses a grave threat to the Alliance.”

Alex said, “Yes, ma’am.”

Grace continued down the winding road back to Olympia, deep in thought. Lena leaned back and closed her eyes. Alex noticed Abigail staring at Lena in curiosity and Alex chuckled. He gazed out the window at the endless grass fields. After an hour or so, Alex looked up and noticed they were entering Olympia. Grace pulled up to the gates and the guards waved her through. Lena woke up just as they were pulling into Olympia. She stared in wonder as Grace drove through the city. The city was impressive, Alex had to admit. Grace pulled up to the clinic and Alex said, “This is our stop, Lena.”

Alex opened the van door and hopped out. Lena followed him and he said to Grace, “I’ll find you at dinner later.”

Grace nodded and Alex slammed the door shut. Alex loped up the stairs to the clinic and turned around. He said to Lena, “Are you just going to stand there or…?”

 Lena huffed in reply and followed him up the stairs. He pushed the glass doors open. He called, “Hello? Anyone here?”

Alex looked around the clinic, but it was deserted.

Alex said, “How odd. I guess I’ll just have to treat you myself.”

Lena looked at him suspiciously. “Are you sure you know how?”

He chuckled. “Of course. Follow me.”

He went into one of the other rooms. Lena followed him and he patted the table in the center of the room. Lena hopped up onto the table and then He said, “So you have a cut on your forehead, and your back’s all messed up. Anything else?”

Lena just shook her head. Alex rummaged in the cabinets found skin regrowth cream and some anti-bacterial salve and some bandages. He went back to her and he stood in front of her. Alex was taller than her by several inches even when she was sitting on the heightened table. He said, “This might sting a little, but this gash on your forehead looks infected.”

Lena nodded and took this as a sign to proceed. He told her to close her eyes and she obeyed. He dipped his finger in the salve and slowly smoothed it on her forehead. He rubbed it in as Lena relaxed. He quickly bandaged it up and he said, “Uh, I’m not sure how you want to do this…”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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