Chapter Two

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As I find my way to the dumpsters, I can't stop thinking about Newt. He talked to me, he actually talked to me!

I round the corner to the dumpsters and I'm greeted by a punch in the face. I fall hard to the ground and scratch my face. Gally and his posse are laughing at me. He continues to abuse me as I lie there on the ground, helpless. Kick after kick, blow after blow, until he gets bored with it and gives me a final jolt to the head.

Gally and his friends leave, laughing.

As I lay on the ground bruised and beaten, I wonder why he picked me of all the students in the school to bully. Did I do something to him? Threaten his position as the school tormentor? Or was I just easy to pick on?

I'm just about to settle on a reason when Newt runs over. How did he know I would be here? Suddenly, I remember. His locker is next to where Gally had cornered me, he must have heard and come to see. Newt kneels next to me.

"No! I'm too late! Why would someone do this? Why would he hurt such a beautiful girl?" Newt says as he picks me up, with one arm wrapped around my back and the other under my knees. He starts to carry me back toward the school. "It'll be okay, everything's gonna be alright, love. I promise."

High School with NewtWhere stories live. Discover now