It's Indeed.. A Happy Day!

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Henry’s POV

  I woke up by the buzzed of my phone and I got really shocked when I noticed that it was already dark outside.

I looked around and felt very disappointed and sad because it seems like I was still all alone in the room.

  Alex seemed to enjoy himself a lot and already forgot about me.

I took a deep breath then grabbed my phone.

There’s a new message and when I checked it, I found out that it came from Philip.

  When are you coming back?Philip’s text.

  My reply, By the month of June, maybe.

  Gran always asks about you. Philip’s next text.

  Can’t she wait?My response, I was frowning while typing that.

  She can’t. She’s so excited and can’t wait to announce to the world that you and Princess Martha are a pair.

  I’m so excited, either.If only Philip can hear the sarcasm there.

Philip didn’t send another reply, but he was calling this time.

  I rolled my eyes back before picking up the call. Hello, Philip?

  What the hell are you talking about, Henry? You’re excited? How so? Was what I heard from the other end and I was really surprised. Can’t you remember what you told me before you left? You told me frankly and without any hesitation that I’m totally not your type!

  Martha? Just making sure if my hunch is right. Are you with Philip?

  Yes, Your Royal Highness! Martha said aloud and she sound so proud. And we’re having an affair.

And suddenly.. that made me burst into laughter.

  Don’t listen to her, Henry. It’s Philip this time.

  What?!I heard Martha’s voice in the background and she sound pretty angry.

  So does that mean.. it’s totally fine to you to see her marrying me? I asked Philip.

  Gran.. He then breathes loudly. She also has someone in mind for me.

Accidental Roommates (Inspired by Red, White & Royal Blue)Where stories live. Discover now