The Awakening

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Chapter one-The Awakening

Sabrina's eyes flicker open. Brown irises and black tiny pupils stare into the world again. Where am I? Her first thoughts are. More importantly, WHO am I? She's in a white room, with a few needles stabbed in her arms. Hospital, she thinks.

An old woman hovers her. The old woman smiles. "Glad you are awake, libeling." She grins. "We were so worried about you."

"Who am I?" She whispers.

"Sabrina Grimm." She smiles, a bit worried. "You're my granddaughter."

"What happened?" She questions, sitting up, and feeling a pain pinch in her stomach.

"You got hurt. Very badly. And hit your head." She smiles, holding her granddaughter's hand.

"Where am I?" Sabrina questions.

"A place called Ferryport Landing. What all do you remember?" Her grandmother pets her hair behind her ear.

"I remember," she struggles to think. "A flash. A boom. A boy. A pain."

"Ok." She smiles. "I'm going to send some friends in."

"What should I call you?" Sabrina asks.

"Granny Relda." The old woman grins. She kisses her daughter on the head. "Get well, libeling."

Sabrina sits in her bed. The images keep flashing over and over in her head. A sonic flash, blindingly bright. A boom, like an explosion. A boy with bright green eyes and blondish-reddish hair. And the pain all over her body. Repeat.

The next person walks in. It's a little girl with brown hair in two braids. About 10, Sabrina would say. She's in a tee shirt and jeans. Her big brown eyes add to her puppy-dog effect. She jumps over, and hugs her. Sabrina doesn't do anything.

"Sabrina," she sobs into her white nightgown. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have trusted him."

"Trusted who?" Sabrina asks. She is so confused.

"B-I mean Victor." She cries.

"Who is Victor?" Sabrina innocently asks.

"The guy. The one that came, and did this!" She says pointing at Sabrina's general body form. "And Puck, he was able to get you out and if he didn't you would be dead."

"Who's Puck?" Sabrina asks.

"Stop being dumb, 'Brina!" She cries.

"Who's Puck?" She repeats.

"Do you seriously not remember him?" The little girl seriously replies, in pure shock. Sabrina nods no. "Do you know who I am?" She asks. Again, Sabrina nods no. "Sabrina, I'm your sister!"

"What's your name?" Sabrina asks.

"Daphne." She cries. Tears stream down her cheeks. Like rain on a window. Sabrina clutches her gut, in pain. An image goes through her head. Her and Daphne. Sitting on a train. The train has red vinyl, and Sabrina is looking out of the window. She seemed younger. Daphne sits across from her and talks about bagels not being on the moon.

"Bagels aren't on the moon, Daphne." She smiles.

"What?" She sobs. "You're not making any sense."

"On the train. The one that was in red. It was raining. And, and we were younger." Sabrina remembers.

"Wait, the trip to Ferryport Landing," she smiles. "Yes, Sabrina, bagels aren't on the moon."

A boy walks in the room right then. He sees Sabrina sitting there talking to Daphne, and for a millisecond it looks like his heart stops. "Grimm." He sighs. "You're alive." His green eyes are eerily familiar. Her side cramp and she moans.

He runs to her, and hugs her so tightly. He rips her out of her bed and needles and holds her tight. "You're alive!" He cheers on repeat.

"Who are you?" Sabrina screams, feeling woozy.

He stops her. "What?" He asks. "It's me, Ugly."

"Don't call me that, smelly kid." She replies, obviously offended.

"Now isn't the time Pu-" Daphne tries to begin.

"Sabrina, are you serious?" He scoffs out. "It's me. Puck."

"I've never heard of you in my life." She replies, very confused.

Puck goes into a rage, grabbing both of her shoulders, and shaking her. "SABRINA. SABRINA! SABRINA DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" He screams. She sits in shock.

"I don't know you!" She screams in fear.

Daphne uses all of her strength to pull Puck aside. "Puck, calm down. She is having short term memory lo-" She begins.


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