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Chapter Two-Memories

"Boyfriend?" Sabrina awkwardly questions. Puck and Daphne continue bickering over Sabrina not remembering anything.

Puck rushes to her side and holds onto her hands. "Please, 'Brina." He begs. "Please remember."

"I am sorry, but I don't know who any of you really are." She whispers. In a fit of rage, Puck lets two fluorescent pink insect wings pop out of his back. "Woah!" Sabrina cries. He storms out of the window.

"Who was that?" Sabrina asks in awe, stilling gawking over his wings.

"Puck." Daphne lets out an immature giggle. "You two were dating."Sabrina stares oddly at where he was. He smells horrible. Had dirty hair, and dirty skin, but pretty eyes. And pretty wings. He seemed like a jerk though. "I'll send mom and dad in, an give them the memo: you do not know anything."

Sabrina nods. A couple, about mid-thirties, walk in. The woman, the one with dark hair and brown eyes, comes and hugs her so tight, she feared her head might fall off. The woman is in tears.

"We thought you were DEAD!" She sobs uncontrollably.

"What happened?" Sabrina asks.

"Daphne told me you didn't remember much, so we are going to have to take it slow." The woman smiles. "I'll start things off with that I am your mother, and he is your father. The people who have been in so far are-"

"Granny Relda, Daphne or my sister, and Puck, or my boyfriend." Sabrina recites. "I know. They told me."

"Your boyfriend?" The man with golden hair and blue eyes snaps. "Oh, when you get your memory back, young lady you are grounded! You never had a boyfriend!"

"Henry!" Her mother retorts. "This isn't the time. When you're ready, we will bring you downstairs, and start to slowly explain things."

Sabrina nods. "Thank you. I'm so confused." She replies. Sabrina gets tired again, and lays down. Her mother rubs her back until she falls asleep, and right when she falls asleep she kisses her forehead. At least Sabrina thought it was her mother.

A voice booms in Sabrina's head as she dreams. "SABRINA GRIMM." It yells, obviously male.

"Who are you?" She replies. She feels like a broken record, repeating herself so much!


"What do you need first?" She yells. She really wants to know who she is right now, and how important these people are to her.

"WHERE HE DIED." The voice roars.

"Who's he?" She asks.


"The master, mirror." She repeats. "What will I get for this?"


Then her eyes open. Sitting at the foot of the bed is Puck, or her "boyfriend" or whatever. His big wings are out and they flicker in the light. Gently, he rubs her feet, like a soft kind cuddle type.

"How are you feeling, Grimm?" He asks.

"Ok..." She whispers. "Who's Mirror?"

He stiffens at the word. "A horrible, horrible man who betrayed your family." He soberly replies.

"Oh. I had a dream about a man names Mirror." She mutters.

"Weird." He says. He pulls out a small black box. "The old lady, I mean who you call Granny, wanted me to show you these pictures."

He pulls out the first one. It has a picture of a boy and a girl with handcuffs on their wrists. The picture is black and white but you can obviously tell their hair is light. He's sitting on a bed next to her. A sharp pain rolls in her gut.

"Ow!" She groans. It feels like someone stabbed her in the stomach.

The two kids in her head come to life. The girl has long curly blonde hair, and the boy has short reddish-blondish hair. He's in a green hoodie. She remembers something about a key being ate. Then she realizes, it's her and the fairy boy.

"You ate the key." She whispers. He smiles.

"Well, it's not my fault every villain out there wanted your head on a stick! I didn't want you getting hurt." He stubbornly replies.

"Bits and pieces come back to me." She whispers. "I don't remember much."

"Are you ready to come downstairs?" A voice pops in the door. It's her mother. Sabrina nods.

Puck grabs her hand, and leads her down. She looks in a mirror and sees her face. She screams. Scars stain it, from nose down. Her eyes had been spared.

"You were in an accident. I'll explain later." Her mom replies.

Sabrina walks downstairs and sees an array of faces. Daphne, her father, Granny Relda, a man with spikey hair in a trench coat, a little girl with auburn curls, and twin 18 year old boys are in the front. A ton of others behind.

"Sabrina," a few whispers go through. "I thought she was dead." Or even, "What happened?"

"Ms. Grimm." One twin smiles with a bow. "My utter respects and deepest apologizes."

"For what?" She asks.

"Well, you did kind of kill the strongest person apart of the Risers a week ago." The other twin replies.

"Who?" I ask.

"Our brother, Bradley." They say in unison. This sends Daphne off in tears in the other room.

"Bradley had Daphne fall in love with him, then he tried to sacrifice her to mirror." Puck quietly explains in my ear. "Daphne is heartbroken."

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