Chapter One

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My fingers traveled over the strings of the guitar. Each one vibrating as a melodic tone was emitted with each touch. At the top of the fret board my fingers maneuvered to adjust to each chord that I needed to play to fit the song. Faintly I hummed along to the melody of Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. Before long I was whispering the lyrics to myself, and I was about to become louder before I heard the doorbell. Throwing my guitar aside on the bed I hopped up, "I've got it!"

Running to open the front door and moved through the house until I got to the front door. I pulled it open to show my best friend, "Jackson!" I yelled before enveloping him into a hug.

"Halsey!" he yelled as he reciprocated the hug.

"Her name is Ashley, Jack," my mother grunted as she turned around the corner. "Don't encourage her trying to go by a different one."

Stuffing my face into Jackson's chest I huffed quietly. He gave a soft squeeze to ensure me it was okay. "Hey, mom," he said with a toothy grin.

"That's Susan to you," my mom said before walking away. He always called her mom when he wanted her to go away, and it always worked.

As soon as she was gone he adverted his attention back to me before pulling away from the hug, a soft laugh leaving his lips and filling the silence. "What happened to your hair? We aren't going out with you looking like that."

Reaching up to squeeze the brunette bun on the top of my head I made a pouty face. "I'm leaving it like this unless you do something to it for me."

With a. Roll of his wrist he gestured to the stairs. "Lead the way, it's styling time."

Giggling, we moved to the stairs, narrowly avoiding Sevian and Dante as they ran past. Rolling my eyes we made our way upstairs and into my bedroom. I sat down on the chair in front of my vanity. "You do my hair, I'll do my face."

Pulling the hair tie from my lockes he altered his voice to be portrayed as more feminine, his Spanish accent becoming more evident when he did so, "Oh, hunny. We gonna make you gorgeous!"

Biting my lip to keep back a laugh I handed him the brush before starting on my face.

After thirty minutes my make-up was done up and my hair was in a braid. I played with it a little before saying, "I love it."

Without hesitation Jackson stated in the same feminine tone as before, "Damn straight you do, hun. I made you fab-u-lous. The hell made you even doubt me?"

I released a laugh at what he said before turning in the chair and pushing him gently. I didn't doubt him, being that he had four younger sister's I knew he could do it.

"Oh, shut the fuck up," I said laughing.

"Mm, don't you sass me, doll face. I kept you from looking basic." He snapped in a 'z' formation before returning to normal. "Are you ready to meet up with the gang."

"I'm always ready to see my clique."

He pushed me to my feet before pushing me out the door. "Rápido, rápido!"

Swatting at his hands I couldn't hold back my laughter. "Don't rush me!"

It took a few minutes before we were down the stairs and out of the house. Mainly because I kept initiating random trust falls that held us back. When we got into the car he handed me the aux cord and as soon as the engine was on I had Ed Sheeran playing. I sang along softly and we began down the road, leaving my town house in our dust.

hurricane ➵ halsey (HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz