Chapter Two

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The drive honestly wasn't too long considering everything was conveniently close to home. Even Jackson who lives down the street from me knows of the conveniences in our locations. The only difference between our homes is that his family actually had a house instead of a town house, which wasn't too big of a surprise considering there were eight people living in their one house; five kids, two parents, one grandma.

We pulled up to one of the local parks that was quite run down, but what else can you expect to get from any place in New Jersey's very own inner city?

Hopping out of the car, Jackson and I strolled towards the actual playground that lacked children and instead was littered in several teenagers. Another thing that wasn't a surprise considering mothers stopped bringing their children here after local drug dealers started showing up.

As we got closer I could see the smoke rolling off several of them, a mixture between pot and tobacco filled my nostrils.

"Jack, Halsey!" several of the group called out. When we approached hugs were exchanged. I took up my usual spot on one of the rusty swings, thanking God for my tetanus shot I got a while ago. If it wasn't for that this swing would have killed me months ago.

"Hey, guys," Jackson said smiling, "You guys know what we're doing today?"

Everyone exchanged looks before my eyebrows furrowed. "We thought you guys would have had something planned by now." Disappointment hinted at my voice.

Soon enough one of the newer members of the group, Chris, spoke up, "We were kinda hoping to just chill here since a bunch of us were out late last night."

Jackson and I both shook our heads laughing softly before I mused, "Bunch of party animals."

As soon as those words left my lips Veronica chirped in a taunting tone, "Speak for yourself," a toothy grin crossing her features, "I still have the video of you shitfaced drunk while telling everyone your ass is your home at the party two weeks ago."

Scrubbing my hand over my face I groaned, "You actually have that?"

She nodded proudly and instantly Jackson perked up, "Why have I not seen this yet?"

It took no further discussion before Veronica had her phone out and the video playing with Jackson, Charolette, Jose, and Raphael watching.

A pink tint covered my cheeks as they laughed. "What can I say? I'm a happy drunk."

"No kidding," Charolette mused, tears forming in her eyes from laughing as hard as she had.

After the video ended and everyone was working to contain their laughter I snatched up Veronica's phone and attempted to quickly delete the video. Apparently I wasn't quick enough because Veronica ripped it from my hands and saved the video. Crossing my arms I huffed in her direction which earned a corresponding laugh from the rest of the group.

"Can we get some food?" Charolette inquired, more smoke rolling from her lips before adding, "I'm starved."

It was then Raphael quirked a brow in response to what Charolette said. "That's called munchies. It happens after you've been smoking pot all day."

Discarding the bud that was barely as long as her finger tip, she covered it with mulch before snorting, "Alright, smart ass."

"I could go for something to eat," Jackson stated before his eyes fell upon me. "I mean, I haven't eaten yet today and it's going on four. It can be like a late lunch, early dinner type thing." His golden brown gaze then adverted to the others, maneuvering from person to person before he shrugged, "We can go to the diner across the street. Short walk and quite a few options so if anyone wants to they can just get like a doughnut or something."

Considering the fact no one was saying anything because they were waiting for at least one other person to confirm the idea, I nodded my head. "Sounds like a plan," I chirped as the rest of the group began stating their agreements as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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