Chapter 1

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"W-What do yo-you mean th-they left?" A four year old Tsuna asked shakily.

The caretaker who I will name Marie huffed in annoyance, "It's exactly what I said, stupid brat!! Your brothers left!! They got adopted and left this morning!! Now go bother someone else!!" She yelled and went outside slamming the door in the process causing Nagi to flinch.

Tsuna hugged a 3 year old Nagi tight but not enough to hurt or harm her.
Nagi looked up at Tsuna with tears in the corner of her violet doe eyes. "T-Ts-Tsu-nee...D-Did our Bi-Big b-bro-brothers re-really left u-us?" Nagi asked softly.

Tsuna held back the tears threatening to spill from her caramel orbs, She has to be strong for Nagi.

"Listen, Nagi, Don't believe what Marie-san said okay? Our Big brothers left only for a little while...I'm sure they'll come back someday and take us with them, we all promised that we will all leave this place together after all" she said.

Nagi gave a small smile, "Un. B-Big br-brothers never b-broke any promise they made for us a-an-and I trust them" she said.
Tsuna smiled and ruffled Nagi's hair, "That's my little sister" she exclaimed proudly, "Now let's go play ne~?".

Nagi nodded and held Tsuna's hand.

A year has passed since they were left behind. Tsuna and Nagi were currently playing in the sandbox in the backyard of the orphanage.

"Look, Tsu-nee!! I made a castle!!" Nagi exclaimed. Nagi may be a shy girl but when she is alone with her sister, she is a very cheerful girl with no hint of shyness at all.

Tsuna smiled at her, "What a beautiful castle, Nagi!!" She complimented. Nagi grinned, "Hai, someday, we will live inside a castle and be princesses!!".

"That's great, Nagi~!!!".

Suddenly, 3 shadows loomed over the two children. Nagi stiffened and Tsuna looked up to see who the shadows belongs to. She saw Marie and two other man wearing a white lab coat.

Tsuna made her way in front of Nagi protectively, "Hello, Marie-san, what can I do for you today?" Tsuna asked.

Marie grinned evilly, "You two got adopted by these nice men here, your things have already been packed and placed inside their car, now you two, go with them" she said in authority leaving no room for arguments.

Nagi's eyes widen in horror, " Ts-Tsu-nee..." she panicked. Tsuna wasn't happy about this news at all, she held Nagi's hand to calm her.

"Don't worry, I'm here" she whispered soothingly. Nagi gulped but nodded nonetheless, she trusted her sister.

"Very well Marie-san...Let's go, Nagi" she said, tugging Nagi's hand and walking towards the waiting men.

The two men led them to their car and shoved them in rather roughly. Nagi was trembling, for some reason, she didn't like them at all, Tsuna was thinking the same as she hugged her sister.
Arriving at their destination, the two men dragged Tsuna and Nagi out of the car. Nagi whimpered while Tsuna squeezed her hand reassuringly, "Come on, Nagi. Don't cry, I'm here to protect you whatever happens"

As they entered what looked like an old abandoned building, their eyes widen at what they saw. Children of all ages were inside the cages, others were clearly dead and were rotting, some were huddled in the corner of their cages and crying, few had lost their will to live and were simply sitting there, waiting for their death.

Tsuna's hand immediately flew to her mouth, she wanted to throw up at the sight. Nagi on the other hand had her eyes wide in shock, horror, and fear, before loosing consciousness. Tsuna reached out and grabbed her sister before she could fall to the hard dirty ground.

"Welcome to hell, brats. I'm sure you two would make a great addition to be our weapons, if, you two survive that is." One of the men said.

Tsuna looked at the man in anger. She had felt something bad going to happen before but she had no choice but to follow these....monsters. What can she do, she's still a kid, but, that doesn't mean being a kid would stop her from protecting Nagi.

"Is this why you adopted us? To make us your weapons?!" she yelled, clutching Nagi tighter.

The other man shrugged, "What else? We're not exactly the caring type, you know."

Tsuna's eyes narrowed, "You can do whatever you want with me but I warn you, don't touch my sister!" she threatened.

The two scientists scoffed, "Or what? You can't do anything to us."

Tsuna bit her bottom lip, "Then......let's make a deal" she said.

The two men raised an eyebrow as they saw the brunette open her palm and showed it to them. Their eyes widen in shock as orange flames came into life, "I....I discovered I can produce this orange flames since I was 4. I don't know what exactly this is but I can feel its power. You want power, right? Then, do whatever you want with me and my abilities, just.....just don't touch Nagi" she said softly, bangs shadowing her eyes.

The two scientists' eyes sparked with glee, they couldn't believe they acquired such rare specimen for their experiments. Now, they have to do whatever they can to prevent her from dying or resisting.

They smirked, "Okay. If you show any resistance whatsoever, then, your sister will pay the price"

Tsuna's eyes glowed in fury behind her bangs as she clenched her fist, "Yes." she gritted through her teeth. "But if I see one scar or any marks on my sister, then there will be hell to pay" she growled in promise.

The two scientists nodded, "Deal."

They led Tsuna to her cage, together with Nagi. Once inside, Tsuna watched as the two men left, probably to report to their boss.

For the first time since her brothers left, Tsuna let her tears spill from her eyes as she allowed her body to shake in fear, she clutched her sister near, 'Don't worry, Nagi. I'll do my utmost best to protect you'

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