Chapter 2

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Honey POV

I woke up at six in the morning and did my hygiene stuff put on some black tights white shirt and some socks I went to go check if everyone was asleep and they was I started to get every thing out to start cooking and then ciara woke up she scared me because she was so quiet and I didnt se her walk in

" Hey Ciara "

" Hii " she said sleepily

"Did you do your hygiene stuff"

"I peed and brushed my teeth " she said happily

"Greaat" I said then gave her a high five

"Can you put on Power Puff Girls" she asked

"Yup come on" I walked in her room to put it on

I went back to the kitchen and started cooking

Chres POV

I woke up and smelled food I brushed my teeth and went downstairs I saw honey cooking

"Finallly cooking"

"I only been here for less then 24 hours" she laughed she looked cute she had dimples and pink lips I wanted to go kiss her so bad

" Kiss who " she said looking confused

" what did I say" I ask knowing I was thinking out loud

"Well you said you wanted to kiss her so bad " she said looking at the food she was cooking

"Never mind"

"Okay" she said awkwardly

"You got a boyfriend"

" no im too ugly for thoses" she laughed

"You're not ugly "

"Thanks you have have a girlfriend" she asked

"Yess" i started "but you look better"

" How many you got " she asked laughing

" 1 but im gonna have 2 when you adk me out" I winked at her after saying that

"Chres, you are something else "

"I know you want me" I said in a seductive tone

"No I dont I never EVER fall for playersx" she laughed

"So if I never told you I had a girlftiend (gco)"

"No, and wheres your friends go talk to them and the food is finish" she said trying to change the subject

"They are asleep "

"What's their names by the way ?" She asked

"Ray, Prod, and Prince " I said

"Which on is Which?"

"Ray Ray is the one with the braids, Prince has a afro, Prod has an hair cut, And Chres well you know he's the cutest and sexiest"

"Suree and the food is finished you can make your own plate and your friends"

"Why you cant make mines?" I asked

"Because im here for Ciara not you duhh" she said walking past me

I everyone woke up, brush their teeth and ate we started talking after we was finished

"Where'd your mom find a sexy nanny, I thought they were supposed to be old ladies" Ray said we all laughed

"I already know she like me" prince said

The Gorgeous Nanny (Roc Royal/ mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now