Chapter 7

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Honey POV

I woke up and Jacob was asleep next to me I did my hygiene stuff and put on my clothes with some red lipstick after everyone was still asleep and I looked at the time and it was eight I went to tge fredge and got out some whipped cream and carmel topping I walked into Jacob room, shook it up and sprayed some on his cheeks along with carmel topping he woke up ten minutes later and walk to the restroom to I was looking at him like how do you not know that something is on your face

"HONNEEY!!" He yelled from the the restroom

I sat there silently he came out ten minutes later

"Im not talking to you no more" he said

" Sorry" I apologized

He did not reply he just layed on his bed looking at his phone

"I love you." I said trying to get his attention

"Jaaacoob......Baaaeee......Baaaaaae........Jacob....Jay Jay.......Baaaabeee.....Man Crush Monday.......Jaaakieeeee.....Why you mad?......why is Baee mad?......Oh my gosh" I smacked my lips and got on top of him he looked at me and then back at his phone "Baaaaaeeee" I took away his phone and he just shruged his shoulders "Baaeee Why you acting like that?" I kissed his cheek and he still just looked at me I kissed his other cheek and his forehead "Jaaaacoob" I got off him and Got on his phone

2 hours later

Everyone left except Roc and Jacob was still mad at me and wasnt talking to me

"Roc why are you still here?" I questioned him

"Feel like to " he shruged

"Are you still mad ?" I ask Jacob and he didnt reply he walked to his room

"What did you do" Roc asked

"Im still mad at you Roc" I said

"Wait what I do?" He asked

"You were making out with Desiree you sloth" and with that I walked into Jacob

He was sitting down in this chair he had in there watching T.V

"Are you mad baeee.?" I said sitting on his lap and he didnt look at me I took out his phone I got on Instagram and took a video 'Baeeeee.....You Mad?......Jakieee Poo?' (that was what she said on the video)

He just looked at me

"Jacob, im sorry" I kissed his lips until he started kissing back which was like 30 seconds later we made out and the Roc cleared his throat and I jumped A little

"Why are you in here" I said half mad

"I was in here to tell mt friend something the friend I knew waaaaaay before you."

"Fuck you im leaving" I said getting up

"Wait, no" Jacob started "why you leaving"

"Because Roc wants wants to ruin everything"

"Do you even know where to go?" He asked

"No and I dont care" I said

"Look what you did" Jacob said to Roc

He Just shrugged

"Why are you still here everyone else is gone why cant you leave?" I asked

He didnt say any thing so I walked out (she have shoes on)

"Jacob i'll get my stuff another day!" I yelled from the living room

Jacob was following me

"Dont go Honey" he said grabbing my hand

"I am fustrated right now, he has alot of other people houses to go to but he chooses to be here, I dont have any friends here" I said

"How about we go somewhere I still didnt get to take you out"

"I uhh...." I started to think of something to say "have to go home to baby sit."

"Then i'll go too" he said shrugging

"I lied im not baby sitting but I'll stay." I said having a plan in mind

"I can tell him to get out the room, while I take a shower " He said

"His house is your house remember"

"Yeaah, but he didnt say room" he said

I looked at him then walked to his room

"Roc your mom called" I started "she said can you come home she didnt tell the reason though"

"I guess I have to go" he got up and gave Jacob a friendly hug (Idk how to explain the hug, its like a man hug but idk what to call it) then he left

"My plan worked" I said smiling

"I knew you were thinking of of something" he said

"Hurry up and take a shower, slow poke" i said poking his nose

He laughed and got his clothes and took a shower he came out dressed

"Where you want to go Honey?" He ask

"I dont like going out so anywhere is fine"

"Then i dont know where to take you"

"Uhh lets go shopping I need more clothes" I suggested

"I guess but some stores im not going into"

"Why?" I asked

"Thats gay" He answered

"Nothing wrong with gay people"
"Your point is" he asked

"I never said I had a point" I said flipping my hair

He got his stuff and we went to the mall he dont like forever 21 so he went some where else I accidently bumped into this this girl

"Im sorry" i said

"Its okay, I dont even have anything" she said smiling

She was pretty her eyes was honey colored brown her hair was dark brown and she dressed up nice

"Anyways my name is Tye" she said

"My name is Honey, Nice to meet you" I said smiling

"You here alone or something" she asked

"Yeah but I came with someone but I guess no" I replied

"Oh thats cool"

We hung out for an hour and exchanged numbers when she left I just remembered that Jacob wanted to meet me in half a hour I only had three bags becuse im not really a big shopper I look around for him then I thought about it he couldve left me I went to the front and looked for his car and he did he is a dumb fuck I started walking even though I didnt know where to go then he called I ignored it and got on the bus with creepy people and went home I got there at like 6 I was mad because he left me I went straight to my room and went to sleep I didnt take a shower or anything I just went to sleep even though it was six.

The Gorgeous Nanny (Roc Royal/ mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now