Background info on Katarina

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As a child, your life was happy and simple, until you mother died when you were ten. She was killed by a passer by late at night as she walked through the streets. The police found your home and told you of the tragedy, they asked if you had any other relatives. You knew your mother kept in contact with your father but simply did not want him in your life, and you respected that. The police did some digging and managed to contact him, his name was Gilbert Beilschmidt and you were to meet him on the same day that you were to start living with him. Very soon you learned about the countries and that you were actually a nationling. Because Prussia was no longer a country, and now a part of Germany, you were given a small town in Germany to care for as your own when you reached age 16, as this was the age when you would start to age as a nationling instead of a human. You attended a couple of world meetings at the request of Prussia and Germany and met your current best friend America, or Alfred. You now have the appearance of an 18 year old, and Alfred has been your friend for tens of years now.

I may be slow at uploading this as I am with my other stories but I have a week left of school holidays and I'm going to write as much as I can and try to update this story weekly. Fingers crossed that will actually happen

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